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已读[564] 发布: 2013/09/26 00:48:19
用于铝制品染色的染料类别有酸性染料、酸性络合染料、酸性媒介染料、直接染料、弱酸性染料、分散染料、可溶性还原染料、活性染料、碱性染料、醇溶染料、油溶染料等。 ...
已读[435] 发布: 2013/09/26 00:48:08
E-Pao.net According to a report by Mr. W.A.M Duncan (1896), the name of a few plants commonly used for dyeing are " Acanthaceae (Khujum Pere) used in conjuction with safflower (p.9); Bixa orellana (urei rom) red or orange, Carthamus tinctorius (kusum) pink or ...
已读[1420] 发布: 2013/09/11 01:53:42
Sacramento Bee ... Use of Liposome-based Technology in Dyeing Processes II-5 Environment-Friendly Dyeing Auxiliaries Gain Significance II-5 Water Pollution Concerns Diverts Focus on New Technologies II-6 Ultrasonic Technology - Garners Attention II-6 Waterless Dyeing   ... and more »
已读[535] 发布: 2013/07/31 13:13:08
The Guardian William Morris and Liberty's built their factories on the river and, betraying their wholesome image, filled it with bleach and mordant dyes . Theirs were among the 90 mills the Wandle supported. In 1805 it was described as "the hardest-worked river for ... and more »
已读[599] 发布: 2013/07/13 16:48:00
(1).环保限制小染料企业发展,但有利于染料龙头提高利润 由于世界对于环保型染料...普通型直接染料、酸性媒介染料价格涨幅缩小的程度会大于活性染料,而环保型活性染料...
已读[486] 发布: 2013/07/11 18:34:21
GoKunming (blog) Cloth is soaked in a pool of water and lime before workers in heavy rubber gloves, aprons and boots wash off the excess mordant with fresh water. If the cloth is destined to become a simple garment it is ready for dyeing once it is air dried. However ...
已读[467] 发布: 2013/07/07 23:38:17
Knoxville Metro Pulse Mara, nearly unrecognizable with her growing out dye -job and woebegone low energy, perfectly modulates Emily's many moods and modes. Catherine Zeta-Jones, in a smaller role as a colleague of Jonathan's, reasserts her considerable screen ... And while ...
已读[1399] 发布: 2013/07/05 22:08:40
已读[549] 发布: 2013/06/15 20:44:03
因公司需要长期大量收购库存积压,企业转产,工艺改进余留下来的直接染料 、 酸性染料、弱酸性染料、酸性媒介染料、中性染料、硫化染料、还原染料、碱性染料、活性染料、...
已读[545] 发布: 2013/06/14 09:48:05
2. 染料分类及发色机理 2.1 染料分类各类染料着色率各不相同, 其中阳离子酸性染料和酸性媒介染料着色率高, 可达90%~100% , 硫化染料着色率最低, 约50% , ...
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