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已读[1800] 发布: 2014/04/28 08:11:06
已读[1787] 发布: 2014/03/17 08:47:16
已读[3226] 发布: 2014/03/17 08:42:07
已读[1236] 发布: 2013/08/20 12:06:21
主要生产杀虫剂、杀菌剂、除草剂及精细化工中间体四大系列的产品,是中国最大的甲基硫菌灵原药生产基地,公司依据拥有光气的优势,可生产高质量的农药、医药(行情 专区...
已读[592] 发布: 2013/08/20 12:05:08
SBWire (press release) Its KLH products include pharmaceutical intermediates and research regents, as well as products for vaccine conjugation. The company also provides KLH ELISA test kits used for the quantitative measure of anti-KLH antibodies in serum or plasma samples. 更多 »
已读[626] 发布: 2013/08/20 12:03:24
SBWire (press release) Its KLH products include pharmaceutical intermediates and research regents, as well as products for vaccine conjugation. The company also provides KLH ELISA test kits used for the quantitative measure of anti-KLH antibodies in serum or plasma samples.
已读[657] 发布: 2013/08/20 12:03:00
PR Newswire (press release) This includes optimization studies on synthesis technology, scale-up of product batch size, technology verification, and the supply of active pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates from clinical study needs to commercial launch requirements. and more »
已读[582] 发布: 2013/08/20 12:02:19
GlobeNewswire (press release) ACETO Corporation, incorporated in 1947, is a global leader in the marketing, sale and distribution of products for Human Health (finished dosage form generics and nutraceutical products), Pharmaceutical Ingredients ( pharmaceutical intermediates and  ... and more »
已读[652] 发布: 2013/08/20 12:02:13
SBWire (press release) Its KLH products include pharmaceutical intermediates and research regents, as well as products for vaccine conjugation. The company also provides KLH ELISA test kits used for the quantitative measure of anti-KLH antibodies in serum or plasma samples. and more »
已读[1514] 发布: 2013/08/20 11:57:12
中安在线 据介绍,阜阳市此次获得资金支持的项目分别为:安徽贝克联合制药有限公司年产30吨利托那韦及 中间体 生产线项目、悦康药业集团安徽生物制药有限公司年产1000吨7-ACA医药 中间体 项目、安徽银丰药业  ... 更多 »
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