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已读[291] 发布: 2013/05/14 19:55:11
Canada Free Press ... organic dyes became widely known. They include Indigo (the blue dye in “blue jeans”) from the plant Indigofera tinctoria, Tyrian Purple (a purple dye , the Roman imperial purple) from the snail Murex sp., Cochineal (a red dye ) from the aphid-like ...
已读[82] 发布: 2013/05/14 19:54:59
Zee News Thomas Just Sorensen concluded that substance could be more widely adopted only when other researchers prove that triangulenium dyes perform just as effectively as its predecessors. ANI. For Zee News's Updates, follow us on Twitter , Facebook, Google+ ... and more »
已读[84] 发布: 2013/05/14 19:54:57
VG247 SWTOR update 2.1 is live, video shows dyes and other customization options. Bioware has released a SWTOR video giving you a better look at the new customizatio...
已读[227] 发布: 2013/05/14 19:42:30
BioTechniques.com Chemical conjugation is often done by introducing chemically reactive nucleophilic groups, such as primary amines and sulfhydryls to specific sites on DNA molecules. Fluorophore dyes or probes functionalized by electrophilic groups may then be ...
已读[94] 发布: 2013/05/13 19:54:55
已读[89] 发布: 2013/05/13 19:54:54
公司作为染料行业龙头公司,由于近年来不断加大对环保投入,因此在减排过程中生产基本没有受到影响,反而受惠于染料价格上涨。 近年来公司经过不断开拓,其他精细化工业务...
已读[76] 发布: 2013/05/13 19:54:52
染料业务比重逐步降低,多元化化工业务比例不断提升 近年来公司经过不断开拓,其他精细化工业务不断增长,2006年公司其他多元化化工业务占公司销售收入和利润比重分别达到...
已读[85] 发布: 2013/05/13 19:54:50
已读[80] 发布: 2013/05/13 19:54:49
染其他纤维 1.染蚕丝 染色牢度较好,但光泽、颜色鲜艳度、手感不及酸性染料 主要用来弥补酸性染料的不足 在中性(为主)或弱酸性下进行 染料在纤维上的固着,有范...
已读[85] 发布: 2013/05/13 19:54:28
TechSideline.com “Our new women's golf program will fit nicely into the scope of our other teams and will only enhance the overall unit. Women's golf in the Atlantic C...
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