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已读[439] 发布: 2013/09/11 04:41:08
这种差异化竞争使公司产品获得了高于行业平均毛利率的水平,在超细纤维、涤氨面料、记忆纤维专用染料市场处于领先地位。 (全景网/雷震) ...
已读[406] 发布: 2013/09/11 04:40:49
【中国铝业网】由于产品本身性质和要求不同,在进行染色时就需要选用相适应的染料。 根据产品用途选择染料,由于产品用途不同,故对染色产品要求也不同。例如用在室外...
已读[434] 发布: 2013/09/11 04:40:25
已读[450] 发布: 2013/09/11 04:40:20
已读[354] 发布: 2013/09/11 04:40:08
Fort Worth Star Telegram (blog) The Fort Worth ordinance change says “body paint, body dyes , tattoos, liquid latex, whether wet or dried and other similar substances shall not be considered an opaque covermg.” The proposed ordinance further clarifies the definition of nudity. “We're ... and more »
已读[396] 发布: 2013/09/11 04:40:01
BassResource.com (press release) It's not worth screwing around with dye to make other colors. Also since you have black skirts, I don't know of anything that will turn them white. If it was the other way around then maybe Kool-aide or Ritt dye . Practice, practice and more practice ...
已读[353] 发布: 2013/09/11 04:39:56
LiveScience.com Researchers spent one week aboard a scientific vessel in Lake Michigan, tracking a plume of fluorescent dye to better understand how currents transport marine organisms and contaminants such as spilled oil. The five-member team from Purdue ... "Data ...
已读[375] 发布: 2013/09/11 04:39:45
Voices He added that no one asked him for money, or any other extra benefit, on behalf of a player or recruit. “I hope that was my ... Beckman's coaching career began when he was a graduate assistant at Auburn under Pat Dye in from 1988-89. The Tigers were 20 ... and more »
已读[346] 发布: 2013/09/11 04:39:40
USA TODAY Stocks removed during that time: International Paper; General Motors; AT&T; Allied Chemical & Dye ; photo firm Eastman Kodak; food company Altria; Citigroup; ...
已读[377] 发布: 2013/09/11 04:39:28
Ecotextile News SURAT – The Times of India is reporting that 29 textile dyeing and printing mills have been issued with closure notices by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB), many for using petroleum coke and other illegal waste materials as fuel as well as ...
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