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已读[85] 发布: 2013/05/30 00:09:19
Washington Post (blog) And coincidentally, the Pocoon dye , when it's crushed and dried, is red. And so for years, the Indian people were rubbing this red dye into th...
已读[83] 发布: 2013/05/30 00:08:55
LiveScience.com Other imaging techniques include hysterosalpingography, which uses an injectable X-ray dye to highlight the uterine cavity and fallopian tube in order to provide better-detailed X-ray images, and hysteroscopy, where a long, thin scope with a light and ...
已读[86] 发布: 2013/05/30 00:08:31
Exponent-telegram In the early 1990s, there were more volunteers than paid staff at the department. It is now the other way around. There is a decline in volunteers in fire service, Dye said. Dye came to the paid department in 1996. Now Bridgeport Fire has eight paid ...
已读[88] 发布: 2013/05/30 00:07:10
Bioscience Technology To mark when the spheres broke down to form other structures, the chemists placed one of two fluorecent dyes , rhodamine or fluorescein, inside ...
已读[82] 发布: 2013/05/28 21:14:40
New York Magazine Blend that in with the tie- dye pieces, the floral crowns, and the cross-body bags, and it seemed to be what a rich, young Italian girl would wear to her first music festival. A lone lace and tweed shift stood out, perfectly combining both materials ...
已读[91] 发布: 2013/05/28 21:14:09
Elk Valley Times “This was our third year to offer the Student Utility Board program,” said FPU's CEO and General Manager Britt Dye . “I don't know of any other utility in the state that offers a youth program such as this, so we are very pleased to be one of the first ...
已读[93] 发布: 2013/05/28 21:13:38
Westport-News While drain cleaners, oven cleaners and toilet-bowl cleaners may have the most caustic ingredients, laundry rooms can be the site of irritants, too. Dyes and scents in various laundry products can cause skin and eye irritation. iStockPhoto/Thinkstock ... and more »
已读[70] 发布: 2013/05/28 21:13:07
The Atlantic "We have not found any ancient objects linked to the context," Ramírez explained: the pottery and bones and other objects that form the detritus of civili...
已读[98] 发布: 2013/05/28 21:10:47
Science Daily (press release) To mark when the spheres broke down to form other structures, the chemists placed one of two fluorecent dyes , rhodamine or fluorescein, inside the spheres. In close proximity, the dyes interact to create a specific light signal called FRET for Förster ... and more »
已读[85] 发布: 2013/05/28 21:08:44
Crushable When two sets of genetic code love each other very much, they create a specimen like Selena Gomez, who somehow manages to look effortlessly better than everyone around here even as she traverses the adolescent landscape that the rest of us found so ... and more »
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