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已读[454] 发布: 2013/09/11 03:43:52
《消防安全许可证》的其他化学品经营单位,若其原有经营场所和经营品种未变,可由... 二、对于既没有取得《易燃易爆化学品消防安全许可证》、又未通过建筑消防安全...
已读[376] 发布: 2013/09/11 03:43:47
Foreign Policy (blog) North Korea has exported doctors, construction workers, and artists to Syria and at least half a dozen other countries. It has a surprisingly d...
已读[369] 发布: 2013/09/11 03:43:42
WTVQ “This plan is being designed and is being constructed based on the very specific weapons that are stored here at Bluegrass,” said Jeff Brubaker, site project manager for the Blue Grass Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant. “Each of these ... They ...
已读[358] 发布: 2013/09/11 03:43:38
Marin Independent Journal The Kaiser facility in Terra Linda as well as other Marin Kaiser properties have been constructed and maintained to current seismic standards funded by the monthly premiums and co-pays provided by the Kaiser members without any contributions from the ...
已读[658] 发布: 2013/09/11 03:43:32
The Herald | HeraldOnline.com Residential market to pace asphalt roofing segment Demand for asphalt used to make roofing and other products is forecast to rise 3.0 percent annually to 7.7 million tons in 2017. Advances will be spurred by the rebound in building construction ... and more »
已读[372] 发布: 2013/09/11 03:43:27
Herald Sun "A quote from Steve Jobs appears on the wall of Apple's Town Hall auditorium building , where Tuesday's event took place," he wrote. "'If you do something and it turns out pretty good, then ... said that the fingerprint scanner was a little "tedious ... and more »
已读[360] 发布: 2013/09/11 03:43:22
Danbury News Times Syria's foreign minister said his country welcomes Russia's proposal for it to place its chemical weapons under international control and then disma...
已读[347] 发布: 2013/09/11 03:43:18
Huffington Post Assad got them, though he didn't always answer; in response to a Rose question about stockpiles of chemical weapons, Assad said, "We don't say yes, we don't say no." Rose asked Assad what responsibility he ..... In this image taken from video obtained ... and more »
已读[355] 发布: 2013/09/11 03:43:12
Santa Rosa Press Democrat “I am for getting these weapons into international custody and destroying them, but I don't think anyone should get away with killing children with chemical weapons, and we can do that without jumping right to military force,” Huffman said. Rep. and more »
已读[369] 发布: 2013/09/11 03:43:07
Richmond Register In other construction news, Brubaker said workers have finished building five supercritical water oxidation tanks, which will dilute the hydrolysate produced as chemical agents are neutralized. In other business, the board: • Heard an update on ...
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