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已读[416] 发布: 2013/09/10 07:49:28
Wall Street Journal The 2010 nationalization of Venezuela's main farm-supply company compounded the problems. Farmers say it is now often late in delivering basics, like fertilizer . That same year, weeds choked Mr. Alvarez's rice crop—the result, he says, of herbicide ... and more »
已读[409] 发布: 2013/09/10 07:49:23
Bloomberg Japan's rate, the lowest at 1.39, is compounded by the total lack of immigration. China's fertility rate is just 1.55 .... Cheap natural gas is a competitive advantage for U.S. producers, especially of petrochemicals and nitrogen fertilizers . Surging U ... and more »
已读[409] 发布: 2013/09/10 07:49:19
Energy Bangla Failure to meet the prevailing and emerging gas demand has caused Petrobangla alternating gas supply between two major users' power and fertilizer . Gas rationing to CNG fuelling stations and holiday staggering of gas using industrial hubs requires to ...
已读[412] 发布: 2013/09/10 07:49:14
Nigerian Tribune The former vice-president, however, observed that corruption is the worst consequences of Nigeria's over-dependence on oil, compounded by the lack of transparency and accountability in the oil industry, which was exposed by the various investigative ... and more »
已读[398] 发布: 2013/09/10 07:49:09
The Maravi Post For instance, captor firms in Malawi have of late been receiving unfair advantages in the form of contracts mainly via the provision of public goods e.g. fertilizer subsidies, supply of medicines to hospitals etc. at a significant social cost ... and more »
已读[408] 发布: 2013/09/10 07:49:04
Charlotte Observer The problem now is compounded by waves of nitrogen from some of the nation's worst ozone air pollution in the San Joaquin Valley. It amounts to a mega-dose of fertilizer wafting into the Sierra's western slope. The situation makes fire authorities ...
已读[388] 发布: 2013/09/10 07:48:59
Business Standard ... accompanied by flawless execution. We see exciting growth potential in the enterprise business in the years ahead, and expect to register 30% per annum compounded growth in this space in both, revenues and profitability over the next 5 years ... and more »
已读[395] 发布: 2013/09/10 07:48:52
The Battlefords News-Optimist The farms were large, high-input industrial farms, many of which grew cash crops in monocultures for export. “When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1989, Cuba was plunged into a severe economic crisis, where imports of food and other basic necessities ...
已读[421] 发布: 2013/09/10 07:48:47
Anchorage Daily News What started as a temporary thing due to my beloved traveling lawn sprinkler refusing to move when set out this spring was compounded and extended by a back injury. Before I knew it, the challenge was on: Could I actually spend a summer on a lawn that ...
已读[458] 发布: 2013/09/10 07:48:40
Kashmir Times ... NC-Congress regime was adopting anti-farmers' policies. He attacked coalition regime for not taking farmers' woes seriously. He said that cost of the fertilizers has increased manifold during the last some months but government has failed to ...
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