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已读[522] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:52:03
CattleNetwork.com When an animal consumes a diet high in protein or in salt , or containing substances having a diuretic effect, the excretion of urine increases and there is an increased water requirement. The amount of water lost through evaporation ... Nitrates ...
已读[643] 发布: 2013/07/31 11:46:22
Mother Jones Bahar showed me how the hides are softened for 24 hours in huge, rotating wooden drums, where pumped groundwater is mixed with lime and sodium sulfide to remove the last of the hair and flesh. After that comes a whole suite of other toxic chemicals and  ... and more »
已读[522] 发布: 2013/07/28 23:18:26
Gizmodo Australia Since copper ore often occur near the surface and doesn't form veins in hard rock like gold, silver and salt do, tunnelling into the Earth isn't necessary. Instead open pit mining simply removes the ... froth flotation method is employed. Froth ... and more »
已读[632] 发布: 2013/07/28 15:52:43
Huffington Post "The chemical analysis of the sample also revealed compounds in varying states of oxidation -- for example both sulfate and sulfide . This is significant because it demonstrates that the environment was not violently oxidizing (emphasis added)," .... It ... and more »
已读[723] 发布: 2013/07/28 15:51:11
OnEarth Magazine Bahar showed me how the hides are softened for 24 hours in huge, rotating wooden drums, where pumped groundwater is mixed with lime and sodium sulfide to remove the last of the hair and flesh. After that comes a whole suite of other toxic chemicals and  ...
已读[562] 发布: 2013/07/12 19:49:14
Water World With the Blackwater system, salt , water and power are simply used to generate oxidant on-site and on-demand, and its process refutes the need to purchase, transport and store biocides, iron chelants and Hydrogen Sulfide scavengers. Cost-effective and ...
已读[553] 发布: 2013/07/09 20:23:15
ThomasNet News (press release) ... is generated on site and on-demand using just common salt , water and power. The on-site chemical generation process replaces the need to purchase, transport and store biocides, iron chelants and Hydrogen Sulfide scavengers. ... and Acid Producing ...
已读[516] 发布: 2013/07/06 21:33:01
My Eastern Shore But the brackish water which is more saline than fresh water, but less saline than seawater deposits salt and other chemicals that remain in the soil for years. The water leaves behind sulfate , which oxygen-starved bacteria process into sulfide , a ...
已读[512] 发布: 2013/07/03 23:59:25
Water Online (press release) ... is generated on site and on-demand using just common salt , water and power. The on-site chemical generation process replaces the need to purchase, transport and store biocides, iron chelants and Hydrogen Sulfide scavengers. ... and Acid Producing ...
已读[509] 发布: 2013/07/03 23:59:15
The Chestertown Spy The water leaves behind sulfate , which oxygen-starved bacteria process into sulfide , a substance which can be toxic to many crops. It also leaves behind salt , which makes it harder for crops to absorb water and nutrients. “Water radically changes the  ... and more »
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