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已读[38] 发布: 2014/11/27 08:59:29
Scoop.co.nz (press release) Firebird is a selective herbicide containing flufenacet plus diflufenican first assessed and approved in 2009. One of the controls applied to the approval was to restrict application of the herbicide primarily to manage risks of adverse effects to the ...
已读[40] 发布: 2014/11/27 08:59:24
Grainews Davis was talking about three different herbicide formats: Avadex as a liquid, Avadex as a granular, and Fortress, a granular. “We are in the process of moving Fortress into a microactive granular also, so a little bit of a smaller granule, to make it ...
已读[40] 发布: 2014/11/27 08:59:20
Western Farm Press Those changes are now in effect and growers and PCAs will want to be aware of this as they plan dormant-season herbicide programs now that many areas of the state are getting some rain. The use patterns for Alion (active ingredient: indaziflam) was ...
已读[40] 发布: 2014/11/27 08:59:16
Agri-View They have collaborated on a publication asking Wisconsin farmers to “take action” to know the weeds on their farm, walk their rows, track weed escapes and late emergers and adjust herbicide regimens to preserve the usefulness of certain herbicides .
已读[44] 发布: 2014/11/27 08:59:11
Grist Why aren't agroecological techniques farming spreading faster among poor farmers? If you are a farmer in the rural part of an undeveloped country, where it's hard to get synthetic fertilizer, pesticides, and genetically modified seeds, it only makes ...
已读[37] 发布: 2014/11/27 08:59:07
Western Farm Press New herbicide -resistant traits that could help growers control glyphosate-resistant pigweed are on the way. The 2015 Beltwide Cotton Conferences will include a special section on the adoption of 2,4-D and dicamba-tolerant cotton when they become ...
已读[41] 发布: 2014/11/27 08:59:03
新浪网 通过这萄挪萄噎噎噎次比赛保保乙乙保,无论普普是我,扣扣扣沤还是其他队友别赏冲冲,都看詹办办茬到了希趴趴趴趴铣望,看胺乡轿轿胺召耍耍召到了前岗岗星景,这次出线多尘尘的几率框框蝗斡斡番,比 ...
已读[41] 发布: 2014/11/27 08:58:58
新浪网 最主要抑烫烫幻酪雾穗雾雾的便是我们不枕雪雪雪枕适应快毡乙乙节奏的酷皇酷比赛,旁旁砧砧在这种索鹤索索鹤节奏比赛下的陷陷焕陷陷涟呜础础处理球能力还表表躺布奶布布有欠缺,比如两个球杰杰么么 ...
已读[39] 发布: 2014/11/27 08:58:54
中国食品商务网 杀虫剂类:阿维菌素(1.8%乳油)26元/公斤、毒死蜱(480g/L乳油)40元/公斤,均环比持平;除草剂类: 乙草胺 (50%乳油)20元/公斤、草甘膦(95%原药)49元/公斤,均环比持平。受季节因素影响,气温骤然下降,起 ...
已读[40] 发布: 2014/11/27 08:58:50
太原新闻网 断肠草是葫蔓藤科植物葫蔓藤,一年生的藤本植物。其主要的毒性物质是葫蔓藤碱。据记载,吃下后肠子会变黑粘连,人会腹痛不止而死。一般的解毒方法是洗胃,服炭灰,再用碱水和催吐剂,洗胃后用绿豆、 ...
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