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已读[725] 发布: 2015/04/03 07:31:54
已读[579] 发布: 2015/04/03 07:31:33
Huffington Post Canada GMO Advocate Says Monsanto Herbicide Safe To Drink, Then Runs Away When Offered Some (VIDEO). The Huffington Post Canada | By Chris Jancelewicz · Email. Posted: 03/27/2015 8:12 pm EDT Updated: 03/27/2015 8:59 pm EDT ...
已读[606] 发布: 2015/04/03 07:31:29
Genetic Literacy Project The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) departed from the scientific consensus on March 20 to declare glyphosate, the active ingr...
已读[588] 发布: 2015/04/03 07:31:24
agprofessional.com “Anthem Maxx herbicide has the same benefits that growers are familiar with getting from our Anthem herbicides with a decreased use rate, cutting the rate in half,” said Matt Hancock, FMC Agricultural Solutions North America corn segment manager. “With ...
已读[643] 发布: 2015/04/03 07:31:20
Center for Research on Globalization According to the US Department of Agriculture, herbicide -tolerant biotech plants were grown on virtually all (94%) soybean fields ...
已读[610] 发布: 2015/04/03 07:31:15
Center for Research on Globalization Following on from last week's Word Health Organization (WHO) report on glyphosate, which confirmed the world's most used herbicide probably causes cancer, Sustainable Pulse has discovered documents from 1991 that show how the U.S. Environmental ...
已读[584] 发布: 2015/04/03 07:31:11
Nature.com The cancer-research arm of the World Health Organization last week announced that glyphosate, the world's most widely used herbicide , is probably carcinogen...
已读[603] 发布: 2015/04/03 07:31:07
agprofessional.com As growers across the southern United States have planted increased corn acreage in recent years, corn-attacking insects have become a widespread problem, including populations of the western corn rootworm that have developed resistance to insecticidal ...
已读[640] 发布: 2015/04/03 07:31:02
The Almanac Online The environmental organization, which works to preserve open spaces, farmlands, and natural resources in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties, called on Caltrans in a letter to "cease the practice of broadcast spraying with herbicides " along all county ...
已读[624] 发布: 2015/04/03 07:30:58
NOW Magazine The bestselling herbicide in Canada and the world, glyphosate was once promoted as safe enough to drink. But some critics are raising renewed alarm. One of them is Thierry Vrain, a plant pathologist and former head of biotechnology with Agriculture ...
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