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已读[36] 发布: 2014/12/18 04:42:26
FoodNavigator-USA.com The third - US#20140348979 outlines a method of adding an enzyme to yogurt whey that converts the lactose and/or galactose in it to galacto- oligosaccharides , soluble fibers that can be incorporated into cereals, baked goods, snack bars, sauces, and ...
已读[32] 发布: 2014/12/18 04:42:22
PR Newswire (press release) Applications include: Protein-small molecule interactions, protein-protein kinetics, antibody affinities and epitope mapping, oligosaccharide characterization, nucleic acid (DNA-DNA or DNA-RNA) hybridization and biomolecule concentration measurements.
已读[38] 发布: 2014/12/18 04:42:18
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News Oligosaccharide profiling of biopharmaceutical and other glycoprotein products remains challenging for scientists who report that regardless of the technique used, more than one technique is often required for complete oligosaccharide identification ...
已读[35] 发布: 2014/12/18 04:42:13
Telegraph.co.uk The power of the parsnip is all down to a large indigestible sugar called an oligosaccharide , which lends the vegetable its distinctive sweet flavour. Oligosaccharide essentially acts as a food source for the good bacteria in the gut, which ferment the ...
已读[37] 发布: 2014/12/18 04:42:09
Medscape PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania — Shooting at the same target but with a different kind of arrow, Chinese researchers have shown that an oligosaccharide that binds more than one region of amyloid-β (Aβ) enhances clearance of the protein from the brain and ...
已读[45] 发布: 2014/12/18 04:42:05
已读[69] 发布: 2014/12/18 04:41:29
中国食品科技网 知识资料中心:功能性低聚糖在豆制品中的研究现状 豆制品行业 产业经济。
已读[37] 发布: 2014/12/18 04:40:45
搜狐 水果含热能低,维生素C丰富,含有大量果胶。含有的黄酮类物质有显著扩张冠状动脉和镇静作用,多聚黄烷有降压强心 功能 。海藻类,如海带、紫菜、发菜及黑木耳等富含钾、镁、铜、碘均有利于冠心病的辅助 ...
已读[37] 发布: 2014/12/18 04:40:41
搜狐 据测定, 低聚 果糖的热值为1.5Kcal/g以下,而蔗糖热值为4.6Kcal/g,因此,摄入 低聚 果糖后,不会引起肥胖,是理想的、低热值的 功能性 甜味剂。此外,儿童食用 低聚 果糖有利于促进钙、镁、锌、铁等矿物质 ... 更多 »
已读[35] 发布: 2014/12/18 04:40:36
familydoctor.com.cn 有些口臭是由于身体其他部位的疾病引起,如消化不良、化脓性支气管炎、肪脓肿等,都会经呼吸道排出臭味,表现为口臭。 ... 老年人消化 功能 减退,常有消化不良或消化道返流性疾病,可将胃内存留食物所产生的气味从口中呼 ...
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