产品通用描述: 概述: 轧辊轴承润滑脂是专为我国钢铁企业研制的,能够在轧钢机轧辊轴承所处的高温、重负荷、强水淋等恶劣工况条件下起到良好的润滑作用。它的主要技术指标超过了日本极压锂基脂,使用寿命超过国产同名润滑脂的六倍以上,填补了国内轧辊轴承润滑脂的空白。 General overview: Rolling mill bearing Grease is specially developed for iron and steel enterprises in China. It shows excellent lubrication performance in the condition of high temperature, heavy load, heavy water spraying, ect. The main technical index of it exceeds the extreme pressure lithium grease from Japan, and the lifespan of it is six times longer than the same product in China. Filled the blank for Rolling mill bearing grease in China.