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Magic Holographic Pigment Holographic Paste Holographic Powder Holographic Laser Paste


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 Holographic pigment or powder is a kind of special colorant raw material which is environment friendly, it is very polular in cosmetic field, and some other high grade decoration industries, it brings rainbow effect in light.
1. Iridescent color changing effect
2. Easy in using, mix 1% ratio with clear polish is enough
3. Can be directly used on the top of colorful base
4. Can design your own colors

We have 3 sizes:

20 micron
32 micron
50 micron

All are in siver holo color, you can mix it with other transparent color pigments to get the color effect you want, e. G. Red holo, purple holo, blue holo, green holo, black holo, etc.

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Holographic Pigment, Holographic Laser Paste, Laser Paste, Holographic Paste, Holographic Powder