产品通用描述:3A分子筛是一种碱金属硅铝酸盐,能吸附临界直径不大于3A的分子。3A分子筛可在水吸附过程中,排除其它烃类分子,广泛应用石油裂解气,如乙烯、丙烯、丁二烯、乙炔及天然气的深度干燥。也可用于极性(如乙醇)、液化石油气、溶剂等的干燥。本公司生产的3A分子筛已成功地在石化、石油企业中替代进口产品,如用作石油裂解气的干燥剂,经3A分子筛吸附后,气体水含量可降至1ppm以下(露点小于-70℃)。 3A adsorbent, a potassium-exchanged form of the type A molecular sieve, is an alkali metal aluminosilicate. 3A adsorbent will adsorb molecules with critical diameters up to 3 angstroms type. Applications: Type 3A is used for commercial dehydration of unsaturated hydrocarbon streams such as cracked gas, propylene, butadiene and acetylene. Type 3A is also used for drying polar liquids such as methanol and ethanol, and hydroxide organic compound. Type 3A is also used for drying refrigerants and drying N2-H2 mixtures made by cracking of NH3.
联系人: helenfan 公司:Shanghai TOP Molecular Sieve Co., Ltd 联系电话:86-21-67270958 传真:86-21-67270916 Email:helen@sh-topms.com 联系地址:2106 Huan Xing Street , Jin Shan Industrial Zone, shanghai , 201506, China 公司网址:www. sh-topms.com