产品通用描述: Shenyang Huachang Antimony Chemical, Tel: 0086-24-25442052/25442051 Fax: 0086-24-25442011 Web Site: www.antimony-cn.com Email:antimonycn@yahoo.com.cn The new "Five Star" brand antimony metal is a kind of non-ferrous metal, silvery white solid with polish and crisp character. There are two allotropes: yellow anamorphosis is stable under 90 centigrade. The stable form of antimony is metal anamorphosis. Melting Point: 630 centigrade, Density 6.62g per cubic centimeter. Poor calorific conduc
联系人: ShirleyZou 公司:Shenyang Huachang Antimony Chemical Co.,Ltd 联系电话:86-24-25442052 传真:86-24-25442011 Email:xu@antimony-cn.com 联系地址:No.90 South Jingxing Street 公司网址:www.antimony-cn.com