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已读[116] 发布: 2013/07/10 16:23:49
TVNZ The only way to ensure a skin or body care product is really organic is to look for the logo of a recognised organic certification body and a certification identification number. Generally, certified organic skincare or body care products must contain ...
已读[120] 发布: 2013/07/10 16:23:41
Carroll County Times If you have skin problems, anything from eczema, psoriasis or facial redness to spider veins, arthritis, shingles or even post-medical procedure care , there's a company that makes non-prescription medical-strength products that really work. The ... and more »
已读[97] 发布: 2013/07/10 16:23:29
One Green Planet So, you've bought the organic baby food and found plenty of eco-friendly toys to entertain your mini Green Monster. Now the time has come to stock your bathroom with all the necessary baby products , and you're trying to figure out which ones are best.
已读[102] 发布: 2013/07/10 16:23:23
Fenuxe Nowadays the brand has expanded into female skin care and perfumery, but in the very beginning it was strictly a men's brand with products that seemed harvested from the rest rooms of a large British country estate. Masculine design, no pinks in sight ...
已读[103] 发布: 2013/07/09 23:09:18
美国人是出了名的喜欢洗澡,不少人早晚各洗一次,每次都把浴液和护肤品从头到脚抹一遍。然而现在却涌现出了一批排斥“每日一洗”的“少洗族”。 这群“叛逆”的...
已读[97] 发布: 2013/07/09 23:09:13
于是各种化妆品和护肤品被我们摆上梳妆台、SPA美容和整形美容让我们蠢蠢欲动,不施粉黛“素颜”示人却成为了我们的梦想。 (国际美容教育学专家和美容营销高级顾问...
已读[101] 发布: 2013/07/09 23:08:55
已读[103] 发布: 2013/07/09 23:08:44
已读[92] 发布: 2013/07/09 23:08:40
随着胶原蛋白美丽神话泡沫的持续报道,国内众多爱美女性转战消费蝶恋花冻干精华,从而引发了蝶恋花护肤品的消费狂潮。 为什么蝶恋花冻干精华会引发众多爱美女性的消费...
已读[92] 发布: 2013/07/09 23:08:36
据悉法国的苏玛素作为全球唯一可以直接外用的含玻尿酸高档护肤产品,成为最受欢迎的抗衰老护肤品,也被称为皮肤能喝的玻尿酸。 衰老原因三:经常曝晒 经常曝晒 吸收过量...
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