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已读[646] 发布: 2013/09/26 03:11:34
已读[690] 发布: 2013/09/26 03:11:23
影响土壤中硼的分解,从而使土壤中硼的含量降低,加剧辣椒缺硼症状的发生;三、...促进土壤中有机硼化合物的分解转化为有效硼,便于辣椒根系吸收。 (三) 及时...
已读[681] 发布: 2013/09/26 03:11:15
今年年初,威廉姆斯和同事找到了一种方法,利用一种无害的化学材料――氮―硼化合物硼烷氨络合物作为氢源,让其释放出氢气,硼烷氨络合物能以稳定的固体形式进行存储。 ...
已读[699] 发布: 2013/09/26 03:11:00
已读[691] 发布: 2013/09/26 03:09:24
元素有机化合物: 过渡金属和非过渡金属合物化学,硼化合物、硅化合物、磷化合物和其它的元素有机化合物。 元素有机化合物和有机化合物化学键理论,化学反应机制...
已读[647] 发布: 2013/09/26 03:09:16
已读[657] 发布: 2013/09/26 03:08:56
已读[456] 发布: 2013/09/26 03:08:51
Techsonian The company is involved in the mining and production of aluminum products, including bauxite, alumina, and aluminum; copper, gold, silver, and molybdenum; diamonds, borates , salt , and titanium dioxide feedstocks, as well as purity iron, metal powders,  ... and more »
已读[454] 发布: 2013/09/26 03:08:45
Techsonian The company is involved in the mining and production of aluminum products, including bauxite, alumina, and aluminum; copper, gold, silver, and molybdenum; diamonds, borates , salt , and titanium dioxide feedstocks, as well as purity iron, metal powders,  ...
已读[478] 发布: 2013/09/26 03:08:40
Techsonian The company is involved in the mining and production of aluminum products, including bauxite, alumina, and aluminum; copper, gold, silver, and molybdenum; diamonds, borates , salt , and titanium dioxide feedstocks, as well as purity iron, metal powders,  ... and more »
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