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已读[120] 发布: 2013/06/03 06:16:05
经营范围:生活及工业污水净化处理;中水销售;水处理剂及水处理设备研 发、生产;水处理技术开发转让;污泥无害化处理。(以上经营范围涉及行业许 可的凭许可证件,在...
已读[140] 发布: 2013/06/03 06:15:58
项目名称: 中国贸促会空调水处理药剂及技术服务采购项目废标公告 项目编号: GDC-20130513103468670 竞价公告发布时间: 2013年05月13日 16时59分53秒 竞价截止时间:...
已读[224] 发布: 2013/06/03 06:15:29
Santa Fe New Mexican.com Hydraulic fracturing involves injecting a high-pressure mix of water , sand and chemicals deep underground to fracture rock formations, releasing oil and gas that is hard to reach with conventional drilling methods. A blizzard of applications to sink ...
已读[117] 发布: 2013/06/03 06:15:26
The Detroit News The lampricides don't pose an unreasonable risk to humans or the larger environment, but people are encouraged to limit their exposure as the treatment...
已读[103] 发布: 2013/06/03 06:15:24
National Post “ Chemicals contained on the train could be harmful if ingested,” the city's statement reads. It went on to say that boiling the water may not be suffic...
已读[104] 发布: 2013/06/03 06:15:21
Northern Virginia Daily Council learned recently that the plant needs upgrades to abide by federal drinking water guidelines aimed at reducing cryptosporidium and chemical byproducts created by the treatment process. The $352,000 paid to the Blacksburg firm would cover the ...
已读[107] 发布: 2013/06/03 06:15:15
Chicago Tribune It designs and builds water treatment plants, on top of providing services to China's chemical , petrochemical and industrial park sectors, all of which are heavy water users. United Envirotech, whose "membrane bioreactor technology" combines membrane ... and more »
已读[111] 发布: 2013/06/03 06:15:12
The Citizen.com “The problem took too long to resolve and I want to assure the public that we have implemented daily raw water testing to assure we are obtaining water of the highest quality into the treatment facilities.” The bad taste and smell were caused by two ...
已读[262] 发布: 2013/06/03 02:55:52
Champaign/Urbana News-Gazette Cronus Chemical is seeking to purchase 6.3 million gallons per day (mgd) of UCSD effluent, or about a quarter of the 8 billion gallons of sewage that UCSD treats in a year. ... Finally, as an aside, there is no proposal involving UCSD and any coal mine.
已读[121] 发布: 2013/06/02 06:54:43
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