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已读[696] 发布: 2013/06/04 03:46:43
Food Safety Magazine Some are commonly expected due to the nature of the commodity or processing method, while others, such as adulterants, initially may be completely unexpected, such as Sudan red dyes and melamine in milk. Unexpected adulterants pose a .... She is ...
已读[110] 发布: 2013/06/03 21:32:01
The Guardian Once it has been lifted, it will be placed in two hydration tunnels and soaked in citric acid for the first stage of its conservation. Once the delicate p...
已读[140] 发布: 2013/06/03 06:13:01
活性/酸性染料印花产生偏色,除了与分散染料印花类似的原因以外,还有以下特殊因素。 (1)织物前处理。上浆工艺为调配浆料一浸轧一烘干一卷布。不同浆料对织物得色量...
已读[135] 发布: 2013/06/03 06:12:54
全球染料行业大会将开 环保压力推升龙头景气(附11股)(3) 受环保政策趋严及专利诉讼的双重影响,染料龙头企业对价格掌控能力进一步加强,行业景气度持续提升。展会期间...
已读[129] 发布: 2013/06/03 06:12:48
产品从分散、活性、酸性染料、纺织印染助剂延伸到化工中间体、建材化工、基础化工... 浙江省染料标准化技术委员会承担开展全省染料行业标准化技术归口管理,行业标准及...
已读[139] 发布: 2013/06/03 06:12:46
目前,公司产品线已从分散、活性、酸性染料、纺织印染助剂,延伸到化工中间体、建材化工、无机化工等行业。 由于购并整合涉及对目标企业在生产经营、管理机制乃至企业文化...
已读[125] 发布: 2013/06/03 06:12:40
已读[123] 发布: 2013/06/03 06:12:24
已读[125] 发布: 2013/06/03 06:12:20
本公司目前拥有分散染料 ANOCRON(安诺可隆)、活性染料 ANOZOL(安诺素)、酸性染料ANOSET(安诺赛特)、毛用染料 ANOFIX(安诺菲克斯)、锦纶染色高坚牢度染料ANOMEN(安诺门...
已读[116] 发布: 2013/06/03 06:11:58
Chicago Tribune We all remember '80s and '90s tie dye . Creating it was actually a delightful craft -- you would bunch up whatever you wanted to tie dye with rubber bands in a particular pattern and watch the magic happen. Early on it was neon, and then it moved to ...
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