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已读[212] 发布: 2015/03/25 07:46:34
The Land Newspaper Nick Poole, of the Foundation for Arable Research (FAR), based in New Zealand, said fungicides that worked well in the control of rusts, such as the triazole -based products, were not as effective on SFNB and STB. “Controlling these two is certainly ... and more »
已读[216] 发布: 2015/03/25 07:46:29
Farming UK Where rust is the main target he recommends including products based on a strong rust-active triazole , such as tebuconazole or cyproconazole. Fenpropimorph-based products are more suitable where mildew is the main threat, while boscalid or prochloraz ... and more »
已读[207] 发布: 2015/03/25 07:46:23
Science 2.0 Crop spraying on British farms could be aiding a life-threatening fungus suffered by tens of thousand of people in the UK each year. New research by British ...
已读[208] 发布: 2015/03/25 07:46:18
FarmersWeekly Oilseed rape growers have a new fungicide active this spring, offering an alternative to azoles in tackling sclerotinia as well as bringing a yield boost. While boscalid is already found in popular flowering spray choice Filan, the strobilurin ...
已读[230] 发布: 2015/03/25 07:46:13
FarmersWeekly “For most, a triazole /chlorothalonil mix will do what's required. Using one of the ... He reminds growers that all fungicides are protectant on septoria, so having a multisite protectant such as chlorothalonil or folpet in the T0 spray is important ...
已读[216] 发布: 2015/03/25 07:46:09
Agriland Teagasc says that trial work has consistently shown no yield benefits from using a fungicide but it can be used as a little insurance to correctly time the T1 to the third last leaf fully emerged. Teagasc ... It says to avoid using a triazole (Gleam ... and more »
已读[210] 发布: 2015/03/25 07:46:04
Farmers Guardian Chlorothalonil should again form the foundation for T1 spray programmes, with partner products based on a robust triazole dose, SDHI or a combination of both depending on disease pressure at the time, says Gloucestershire-based Hutchinsons agronomist ...
已读[207] 发布: 2015/03/25 07:45:58
FarmersWeekly If there is significant rain in the flowering period a fusarium active triazole will be used; if there is no rain then septoria remains the main focus of the application. In some respects we are lucky in the South West. There are no judgement calls to ...
已读[221] 发布: 2015/03/25 07:45:54
Pampa News COLLEGE STATION – Early sightings of stripe rust in wheat could indicate 2015 might see an epidemic in infections, according to two Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service specialists. Texas producers and AgriLife Extension specialists and agents have ... and more »
已读[210] 发布: 2015/03/25 07:45:49
Farming UK A few simple steps to improve fungicide application can deliver big benefits in terms of disease control, especially when spray timings are stretched or spraying conditions are less then ideal. With disease pressure building, the rewards are likely to ... and more »
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