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已读[399] 发布: 2013/09/13 00:48:15
Redlands Daily Facts “The amendments are necessary to meet the city's equipment maintenance and repair service needs for its off-road, medium and light duty fleet,” the Quality of Life Department's report to the council stated of the amendments to the agreements with Crest ...
已读[371] 发布: 2013/09/13 00:48:10
iAfrica.com But in order to ensure medium -term and long-term electricity security of supply and "to alleviate shortages … key decisions were required by government", said Mr Gigaba. Mr Dames said the search for additional capacity would include hydroelectric ...
已读[367] 发布: 2013/09/13 00:48:05
Automotive World The centrifugal impeller now generates a hydraulic pressure that acts directly on the valve slider and causes the impeller to be covered. The use of coolant as the auxiliary medium eliminates additional dynamic seals in the coolant pump. In tests on ...
已读[415] 发布: 2013/09/13 00:48:00
BusinessDay The Debt Management Office (DMO) has created ripples in domestic financial markets with the release of its medium -term strategy 2012-15. ... However, it is powerless to counter the impact of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) or indeed global demand for oil.
已读[376] 发布: 2013/09/13 00:47:55
BDlive But in order to ensure medium -term and long-term electricity security of supply and "to alleviate shortages … key decisions were required by government", said Mr Gigaba. Mr Dames said the search for additional capacity would include hydroelectric ... and more »
已读[433] 发布: 2013/09/13 00:47:50
SYS-CON Media (press release) Founded in 1925 by the inventor of the first automotive hydraulic lift, Rotary Lift offers the broadest line of lifts for use in professional automotive service, commercial truck and transit, and enthusiast/residential customer segments. There are more ... and more »
已读[372] 发布: 2013/09/13 00:47:44
SBWire (press release) MMTC has helped Michigan's small and medium -sized businesses compete and grow since 1991. Through personalized services, MMTC helps companies develop more effective ... Magline, the manufacturer of the innovative CooLift Delivery System, allows ...
已读[444] 发布: 2013/09/13 00:47:39
SYS-CON Media (press release) Manatt is a sought-after advisor to a wide spectrum of oil and gas entities (upstream, midstream and downstream), interests ( hydraulic fracturing proponents and opponents, rate case applicants, and interveners) and stakeholders (landowners and ... and more »
已读[386] 发布: 2013/09/13 00:47:34
The Australian Financial Review While a disruption in supply would quickly force the price of Brent to $US150 a barrel, most analysts agree that it would be short-lived,...
已读[376] 发布: 2013/09/13 00:47:29
PR Web (press release) U.S. oil production growth continues to rise due to the advancement of oil & natural gas drilling technology, including hydraulic tracking, which has helped tap oil from previously inaccessible formations. Austin, TX company Carson Energy helps ...
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