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已读[392] 发布: 2013/09/12 06:20:31
Science Daily (press release) After connecting silsequioxane to individual L- and D-type PLA chains, the researchers used a process called atom transfer radical polymerization to generate organic- inorganic hybrid co-polymers with well-defined PLA and silsequioxane segments. When ...
已读[431] 发布: 2013/09/12 06:16:28
7.胶黏剂 胶黏剂是把一种材料和另一种材料的表面紧密连接起来,达到一定的物理、化学性能要求的非金属物质。胶黏剂可分为合成胶黏剂、无机胶黏剂和天然胶黏剂等...
已读[452] 发布: 2013/09/12 06:16:17
已读[443] 发布: 2013/09/12 06:16:09
北京志盛威华公司的ZS-1071耐高温无机粘合剂因其优良的耐温性、耐候性、耐介质... 文章关键词: 无机粘合剂 胶黏剂 「相关报道」 热点资讯 ・叙利亚局势紧张 ...
已读[379] 发布: 2013/09/12 06:15:59
Butler Eagle (subscription) The residue was a mix of higher polymers, including resorcinol, an adhesive enhancer used in the tire manufacturing process and pharmaceuticals. Beazer placed 8,200 tons of treated waste and 21,000 tons of contaminated soil into a two-acre ... and more »
已读[368] 发布: 2013/09/12 06:15:53
NASDAQ Production gains across consumer products, organic chemicals, synthetic rubber, manmade fibers, coatings and pesticides were masked by declines in industrial gases, inorganic chemicals, chlor-alkali, synthetic dyes and pigments, plastic resins ... and more »
已读[363] 发布: 2013/09/12 06:15:48
Azom.com Silicon will be the inorganic elemental semiconductor most in demand in the new electronics. It mainly takes new forms such as ink. The numerous fine chemical functions in the new electronics and electrics are annotated in the report that include ...
已读[380] 发布: 2013/09/12 06:15:42
FreshPlaza Glass and carbon are the inorganic materials most used by the industry, especially for their durability. In contrast, natural fibres are irregular due to their cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin composition, which ... water by up to 33.3% and their ...
已读[376] 发布: 2013/09/12 06:15:36
R & D Magazine After connecting silsequioxane to individual L- and D-type PLA chains, the researchers used a process called atom transfer radical polymerization to generate organic– inorganic hybrid co-polymers with well-defined PLA and silsequioxane segments. When ...
已读[433] 发布: 2013/09/12 06:15:28
Science Daily (press release) After connecting silsequioxane to individual L- and D-type PLA chains, the researchers used a process called atom transfer radical polymerization to generate organic- inorganic hybrid co-polymers with well-defined PLA and silsequioxane segments. When ...
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