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已读[393] 发布: 2013/09/12 01:15:10
已读[409] 发布: 2013/09/12 01:14:50
已读[411] 发布: 2013/09/12 01:14:45
专家认定,SHBY系列改性分子筛拥有自主知识产权,项目组以其为关键组分开发的具有世界先进水平的加氢裂化催化剂,符合当前国内外市场发展需要,建议进一步推广应用。…… ...
已读[380] 发布: 2013/09/12 01:14:37
HispanicBusiness.com Mesoporous fluorescent silica particles developed by adding molecular sieve materials such as MCM-48 were used for site-oriented delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs and cell imaging. Recently, gold coated silica nanoparticles have been used to kill ...
已读[344] 发布: 2013/09/12 01:14:31
Laboratory Equipment The heating range is from ambient temperature to 200 C. Carrier gas is N2 gas or dry air and flow is 30 to 300 mL/min with inlet pressure at 0.8 MPa or less. The dessicant used is a molecular sieve and the unit has an aluminum block heater. Sample ...
已读[379] 发布: 2013/09/12 01:14:26
Azom.com These dryers typically utilize activated alumina or molecular sieve type desiccant as their drying mediums, and are capable of supplying dry compressed air with dew points as low as -50 and -90 °C respectively. They are able to function because of the ... and more »
已读[338] 发布: 2013/09/12 01:14:21
Bloomberg Getting rid of potential viruses would require molecular sieves and modern biological monitoring systems, which don't exist in Venezuela, Morales said. Hidrocapital stopped publishing results of sanitary tests last year, according to Bausson, even as ... and more »
已读[368] 发布: 2013/09/12 01:14:16
MIT Technology Review For example, they placed a square sheet of graphene onto a microcavity to create a molecular sieve . They also fabricated graphene ribbons of various widths and thicknesses and transferred them without distortion or fracture. They even use the technique ... and more »
已读[424] 发布: 2013/09/12 01:14:12
Aviation Week In general, Obiggs works by taking engine bleed air and pushing it through thread-like membranes that act like a molecular sieve . The oxygen leaks out and is dumped while the nitrogen continues through. Conditioning cooling occurs along the way, and ...
已读[350] 发布: 2013/09/12 01:14:07
OilPrice.com In order to make the water safe for consumption, the viruses must be removed with molecular sieves and modern biological monitoring systems which do not exist in Venezuela. The market for bottled water is booming, with families paying $4.80 for a five  ...
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