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已读[183] 发布: 2013/07/06 23:37:50
已读[192] 发布: 2013/07/06 23:37:01
已读[281] 发布: 2013/07/06 23:36:49
记者了解到,重组完成后,云天化将拥有从原料到终端产品的完整磷肥产业链,成为全国最大的磷矿采选企业,亚洲第一、世界第二的磷复肥生产商。 而优质资产的注入也将...
已读[192] 发布: 2013/07/06 23:36:00
已读[636] 发布: 2013/07/06 23:30:21
已读[320] 发布: 2013/07/06 23:28:12
近年来,出于对产量和经济效益的追求,农民大量施用氮肥和磷肥,土壤酸性急速飙升。 千亿土壤修复市场 中外机构或同台竞技 根据环保部对我国30万公顷基本农田保护区土壤...
已读[266] 发布: 2013/07/06 23:27:20
NetIndian It has one joint venture, Uravarak Videsh Ltd. with Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers (RCF) and KRIBHCO with equity participation of 33.33 percent to explore...
已读[277] 发布: 2013/07/06 23:27:08
domain-B It has one joint venture namely Uravarak Videsh Ltd with RCF and KRIBHCO with equity participation of 33.33 per cent to explore investment opportunities abroad and within the country in nitrogenous , phosphatic and potassic fertilisers . It also renders  ...
已读[284] 发布: 2013/07/06 23:27:02
PR Newswire (press release) Indian fertilizers market structure constitute of public as well as private companies, manufacturing wide range of phosphatic and nitrogenous based fertilizers . The major players in Indian fertilizers market are Coromandle International, National ... and more »
已读[317] 发布: 2013/07/06 12:28:48
Moneycontrol.com They are India's largest crop protection products, intermediates , specially chemicals and industrial chemical makers. Out of 23 plants, they have 9 plants in India and rest in Latin America, Europe and China. In Europe, they have presence in each country.
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