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已读[38] 发布: 2013/05/08 20:04:18
Yahoo! News Ammonium nitrate is a dry fertilizer mixed with other fertilizers such as phosphate and applied to crops to promote growth. It can be combustible under certain conditions, and was used as an ingredient in the 1995 bombing of a federal building in ...
已读[35] 发布: 2013/05/08 20:04:15
agprofessional.com An international team of scientists aims to lessen the reliance on these fertilizers by helping beans and similar plants boost their nitrogen production, even in areas with traditionally poor soil quality. Researchers from the Center of Plant Genomics ...
已读[46] 发布: 2013/05/08 20:04:14
AllAfrica.com Sokoto/Jos/Jalingo/Abuja/Lokoja/Minna/Kebbi — As farming continues across Nigeria with early planters' crops approaching maturity, farmers are yet to get any of the subisdized fertilizer they are supposed to get from the federal government thereby ...
已读[42] 发布: 2013/05/08 20:04:13
KXAN.com WEST, Texas (AP) — Almost a month into their review of the deadly blast at a Texas fertilizer plant, investigators are hoping to draw a picture from the air o...
已读[46] 发布: 2013/05/07 18:38:47
多元化的产品意味着农资经销商如果选择与曹州农化合作,就可以得到一站式服务,不需要再从其他肥料生产厂家进货。 2005年,曹州农化成为国家科技部叶面肥技术依托单位,是...
已读[45] 发布: 2013/05/07 18:38:33
曾则兴透露,施用过程中,他明显感觉到加美肥的卓越――颗粒漂亮,溶解吸收快,撒施下去约一周即可见叶片明显转绿,而其他肥料一般需要10天左右。 随后,笔者走访了多位...
已读[48] 发布: 2013/05/07 18:38:33
市农业局土肥站的工作人员联合外地一家化肥生产企业来到肖庄村,通过对该村耕地的测土试验发现,肖庄村土壤中氮含量超标,并针对肖庄村提出了一个科学的肥料配方。 ...
已读[43] 发布: 2013/05/07 18:38:31
Pork Magazine The fire marshal's office has been leading the investigation of the April 17 blast, along with the federal Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agency (ATF). Ammonium nitrate is a dry fertilizer mixed with other fertilizers such as phosphate and ...
已读[40] 发布: 2013/05/07 18:38:29
ABS CBN News Ammonium nitrate is a dry fertilizer mixed with other fertilizers such as phosphate and applied to crops to promote growth. It can be combustible under certain conditions, and was used as an ingredient in the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 that left 168 ...
已读[40] 发布: 2013/05/07 18:38:29
World Magazine Ammonium nitrate is a dry fertilizer mixed with other fertilizers such as phosphate and applied to crops to promote growth. It was used as an ingredie...
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