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已读[38] 发布: 2013/05/17 18:46:00
NBCNews.com Many other triggers had been speculated upon as the cause, including the weather, some sort of spontaneous ignition, failure of the facility's second elect...
已读[43] 发布: 2013/05/17 18:45:52
Bellingham Herald A big advantage to selecting organic slow-release fertilizers is they do not contain toxic weed or bug killers that other products may contain. Harmful weed or bug killers destroy soil microbes that live in healthy soils. Healthy lawns need healthy ...
已读[85] 发布: 2013/05/17 18:41:45
Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (blog) The company is continuing to explore the full range of options to try and advance this critical project to manufacture nitrogenous fer...
已读[50] 发布: 2013/05/17 13:57:28
WISH Only 44 fertilizer production plants exist nationwide. But, there are more than 6,000 U.S. fertilizer storage and retail facilities. Many of them carry similar, if not identical chemical fertilizers to the West, Tex. facility. In Indiana, the task of ... and more »
已读[129] 发布: 2013/05/16 20:56:59
已读[59] 发布: 2013/05/15 20:18:28
近年来,国家非常重视缓控释肥的发展,生产使用缓控释肥、作物专用肥是肥料行业发展... 三、国泰君安作为公司保荐机构,应当依据有关规定指定保荐代表人或其他工作人员对...
已读[52] 发布: 2013/05/15 20:18:01
公司已在上海成立生物技术销售公司,现有10名销售人员,全部为国内其他肥料公司工作过的一线销售人员。 综上,我们积极推荐受益于苗价上涨和成本下降、业绩环比改善预期...
已读[42] 发布: 2013/05/15 20:18:00
Forbes One was about a fertilizer deduction, which is kind of amusing in the context of a tax case flowing out of massive fraud. The other is about gross income, whi...
已读[53] 发布: 2013/05/15 20:17:58
LiveScience.com For a decade, the Environmental Defense Fund has been working with farmers and other partners in the Western Lake Erie Basin to reduce fertilizer and sediment runoff. We count on farmers to produce safe and abundant supplies of food, but it's runoff ...
已读[38] 发布: 2013/05/15 20:17:57
The Star-Ledger - NJ.com Harvested marijuana, packaging material, fertilizer and other drug paraphernalia were also found, the prosecutor's office said. More than 30 marijuana plants were found in the home — some behind fake walls in hidden rooms — the prosecutor's office said. and more »
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