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已读[676] 发布: 2013/09/11 04:38:59
其他有机颜料 上海上海市宝山区 300.00/公斤 荧光颜料 浙江义乌市 500.00/公斤 酞菁颜料 山东临沂市兰山区 50.00/公斤 油溶黑 广东东莞市 98.00/公斤 ...
已读[514] 发布: 2013/09/11 04:38:30
The Canberra Times Now the rules of photosynthesis need to be rewritten again, says Dr Chen, with the newly discovered chlorophyll f that uses light with lower photon energy at a wavelength of 730 nanometres – less than any other known type of green pigment . "It seems ...
已读[497] 发布: 2013/09/11 04:38:25
TIME With each pigment and organic materials that I use, I let the painting be completely unique. All of them are not repeatable. So I wanted to change it up and have another reaction from the viewer, to confront them with something much colder than my ...
已读[522] 发布: 2013/09/11 04:38:00
Azom.com Many organic substances crystallize in multiple crystal structures known as polymorphs. Drugs are not the only class of products for which this can lead to problems. Different crystal structures can lead to color variation in pigments and dyes; in ...
已读[532] 发布: 2013/09/11 04:37:54
spectroscopyNOW.com (press release) Much more analytical work is necessary to give a more complete characterisation of mixtures and organic glazes, as well as a more in-depth investigation of historic recipes and further comparisons with analytical results previously published in other ...
已读[521] 发布: 2013/09/11 04:37:48
spectroscopyNOW.com Much more analytical work is necessary to give a more complete characterisation of mixtures and organic glazes, as well as a more in-depth investigation of historic recipes and further comparisons with analytical results previously published in other ... and more »
已读[491] 发布: 2013/09/11 04:37:40
Huffington Post Hair tools lovingly carved from wood, bone, ivory and meticulously produced pigments , oils, perfumes would be on hand. We took turns expressing our artistry on each- other's hair, with love and pride as we bonded over stories and sang songs. It was a ... and more »
已读[1419] 发布: 2013/09/11 01:53:42
Sacramento Bee ... Use of Liposome-based Technology in Dyeing Processes II-5 Environment-Friendly Dyeing Auxiliaries Gain Significance II-5 Water Pollution Concerns Diverts Focus on New Technologies II-6 Ultrasonic Technology - Garners Attention II-6 Waterless Dyeing   ... and more »
已读[824] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:16:21
4-traders (press release) Duranar powder coatings are based on the same proven formulation as Duranar liquid coatings but are in solvent -free, ultra-low-volatile organic compound (VOC) formulations that meet low-emittance standards established by LEED(R) and other sustainable ... and more »
已读[1436] 发布: 2013/09/09 15:53:12
EurekAlert (press release) Roasting of high erucic acid mustard (HEM) seed has been reported to give a typical flavor and increase the oxidative stability of extracted oil. A potent radical scavenging compound was successfully isolated for the first time from roasted HEM seed ... and more »
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