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已读[441] 发布: 2013/09/11 03:42:57
农药矿石:尿素,氯化铵,碳酸氢铵,苏打粉,固体农药,钨粉,农药助剂,铜精矿分,煤粉,磷矿粉,氧化铝粉等 建筑材料:水泥,陶土,黄沙,石英沙,粘土粉,硅石,石灰石粉,...
已读[436] 发布: 2013/09/11 03:42:47
已读[404] 发布: 2013/09/11 03:42:34
已读[434] 发布: 2013/09/11 03:42:07
已读[438] 发布: 2013/09/11 03:41:52
根据我国经济社会和科技发展重大需求以及专家评审结果,经研究,决定批准“农产品中高风险农药助剂残留调查、危害分析及助剂分类”等48个项目立项(项目清单见附件)。 ...
已读[364] 发布: 2013/09/11 03:41:17
Seminole Sentinel Individuals with pesticide applicators licenses will be awarded one (1) IPM and two (2) general Continuing Education Units (CEU's) for attending this program. Dr. Jason Woodward, Plant Pathologist, with Texas A & M ... Individuals with disabilities who ...
已读[373] 发布: 2013/09/11 03:41:12
Bandera County Courier The program will be worth three hours of CEU credit (1 L&R, 1 IPM, 1 Gen) for individuals with a Pesticide Applicator's License. The cost is $10 person and includes refreshments. Feel free to bring your lawn chair. Contact the Bandera County ...
已读[400] 发布: 2013/09/11 03:41:07
The Citizen.com Participants in the class will qualify for three hours of commercial pesticide credit in either category 24 or 35, three hour of ISA Arborist credit and one hour of private pesticide credit. The cost is $15. ... The Piedmont Fayette Hospital Auxiliary ...
已读[388] 发布: 2013/09/11 03:41:02
TCPalm Agricultural Pesticide Applicators Course: General certification core training on laws, rules and regulations of pesticide application. 9 a.m. Sept. 4. St. Lucie County .... USCG Auxiliary Building, 1400 Seaway Drive, Fort Pierce. $25; $10 for other ... and more »
已读[410] 发布: 2013/09/11 03:40:57
Fars News Agency As documented by Natural News, sodium fluoride is touted by China's exporters as a multi-purpose chemical that functions as a deadly pesticide , absorb...
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