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已读[801] 发布: 2013/09/10 07:43:35
West Island Gazette Benzene, to which we are regularly exposed from gasoline, benzopyrene, from wood-burning stoves, and the heterocyclic aromatics in barbecued foods are more “toxic.” Now, back to Pointe-Claire. PCBs have ... They are extremely stable compounds and do ... and more »
已读[1251] 发布: 2013/09/10 07:39:14
已读[988] 发布: 2013/09/10 07:38:38
已读[1128] 发布: 2013/09/10 07:38:05
已读[877] 发布: 2013/09/10 07:37:55
mydigitalfc.com Certain proteins present in meat, fish and poultry, cooked at high temperatures, especially grilling and frying, have been found to produce compounds called heterocyclic amines. These substances have been linked to various cancers including those of ... and more »
已读[856] 发布: 2013/09/10 07:37:50
Reflejos Charring and cooking meat, poultry and fish under high heat causes compounds called heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to form. These substances have shown the ability to damage our DNA in ways that make cancer  ...
已读[809] 发布: 2013/09/10 07:37:45
West Island Gazette Benzene, to which we are regularly exposed from gasoline, benzopyrene, from wood-burning stoves, and the heterocyclic aromatics in barbecued foods are more “toxic.” Now, back to Pointe-Claire. PCBs have ... They are extremely stable compounds and do ... and more »
已读[820] 发布: 2013/09/10 07:37:41
Montreal Gazette Benzene, to which we are regularly exposed from gasoline, benzopyrene, from wood-burning stoves, and the heterocyclic aromatics in barbecued foods are more “toxic.” Now, back to Pointe-Claire. PCBs have ... They are extremely stable compounds and do ... and more »
已读[827] 发布: 2013/09/10 07:37:36
MSUToday According to the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), grilled meat, poultry and fish have been linked to certain cancer causing compounds . These compounds are called heterocyclic amines (HCA's) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH's).
已读[854] 发布: 2013/09/10 07:37:23
Azom.com Gurak is working with Foss to adapt riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, for use as a metal-free catalyst in oxidative reactions that create heterocyclic comp...
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