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已读[1033] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:49:08
已读[981] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:48:59
高纯试剂技术 否10,683.06 10,683.06 1,668.81 3,933.65 36.82% 2014 年 3 月 0 否产业化生产项目高端化学试剂工程技术研究...
已读[979] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:48:49
5万吨/年PCB用 化学试剂项目 否14,676.31 14,676.31 2,469.95 5,985.45 40.78% 2014年3月 0 否1万吨/年超净 高纯试剂技术 产业化生产项...
已读[1003] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:48:32
已读[978] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:48:27
例如,可测超纯气体、高纯试剂、高分子单体中1ppm~0.1ppb级杂质;可测农产品、食品、水中ppm、ppb级卤素、硫、磷化合物 等农药残留成分;可测大气污染事物中ppb...
已读[1021] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:48:23
通过此次股权结构调整,杜克化学得到了公司长期运营所需的资金,而西陇化工将其定位为高纯溶剂和特种溶剂生产基地,也为完善公司高纯试剂市场打下坚实基础。 ...
已读[823] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:48:08
Seeking Alpha You will notice that one figure on the table above is materially higher - earnings per share - which is now spread over a much smaller share base given the firm's continued share repurchases. Expect the company's free cash ... The company offers a ...
已读[787] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:48:02
Wall Street Sector Selector The Metals Report: Without heavy rare earth elements (REEs), can the worlds' chemists and engineers develop metal alloys sufficient to meet the demands of today's high -tech devices? If not, why not? Anthony Mariano: .... And the best bastnaesite ...
已读[798] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:47:55
Gamasutra cornered the market on magical Reagents , preventing average users from casting spells. ... Gamers just want to have fun, and if the cost of the option considered the most fun is constantly tuned higher and higher until the price becomes prohibitive ...
已读[765] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:47:50
Marketwire (press release) Moreover, the reagents used in the optimization program are significantly cheaper. This should dramatically reduce the mill construction costs ... The roasted concentrate is white as opposed to the light reddish color normally seen with spodumene ... and more »
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