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已读[711] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:42:06
假定你抽提 RNA 时使用到的有机试剂 - 氯仿、异丙醇、无水乙醇 - 都是国产的 (这是完全可以使用的)。我的问题是:你采取了什么措施来降低或者杜绝 RNase 的...
已读[698] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:42:01
用异硫氰酸胍和有机溶剂提取RNAadmin 收集细胞,离心5000r/min ,5分钟,弃上清,加入异硫氰酸胍变性液(异硫氰酸胍4mol/L;柠檬酸钠25mmol/L,Sarkosy10.5%,β-巯基乙醇0...
已读[712] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:41:57
已读[703] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:41:48
1.利用游离生物碱易溶于亲脂性有机溶剂的性质,用氯仿、苯、乙醚以及二氯甲烷等溶剂,采用浸渍法、回流提取或连续回流提取法提取游离生物碱。 2.由于生物碱大多与...
已读[733] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:41:38
24540 某中药用有机溶剂提取,提取液经酸水和碱水萃取后,有机溶剂层含有 E ...下列表述正确的 小丸和微丸大小 麻醉药品注射剂型问题 中药有效成分的提取方法...
已读[566] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:41:33
Tico Times Use a 12-inch pot or recycled container filled with strained organic compost fertilizer. Between 3 and 6 cloves of garlic can be planted ... Prevent leaf diseases by including citrus seed oil extract or trichoderma inoculants. The green leaves of ... and more »
已读[551] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:41:26
Food Business News (registration) The bitter taste of whole grains can also be overcome with added sweetness or with a masking agent in the product.” Spices and seasonings are other ways to ... “Another strategy that can help to lengthen the shelf life of whole grain-based snacks is to ... and more »
已读[593] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:41:21
Huffington Post The agency released a study Friday of arsenic in 1,300 samples of rice and rice products, the largest study to date looking at the carcinogen's presence in that grain. Consumer groups have pressured the FDA ... Organic arsenic passes through the body ... and more »
已读[507] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:41:16
The Guardian Tests on soil and clothing will rarely pick up sarin itself, because the agent breaks down swiftly when it meets water, which could be moisture in the air or sweat from the victim. More likely they will detect traces of sarin's breakdown products, but ... and more »
已读[524] 发布: 2013/09/10 05:41:11
Statesman Journal The plant will compost organic waste such as food scraps, straw, manure and other materials to generate methane gas that will be collected and burned to power a turbine and produce electricity. Such plants are common in a number of other countries, but ...
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