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已读[504] 发布: 2013/06/04 03:43:03
NewHampshire.com Dressed in Tyvek suits with thick rubber gloves taped at the wrist, and overshoes, Hughes and her all-female team seek out the poison ivy and follow it to where it began, yanking it out and depositing it in black plastic bags that will then be hauled ... and more »
已读[199] 发布: 2013/06/04 03:42:37
Ottawa Citizen Stipulations made in an agreed statement mean that prosecutor Philip Perlmutter and defence lawyer Harry Black agree that the facts in the statement don't need to be proven in court. Mr. Nobody is expected to claim the bottle was filled with whiskey ... and more »
已读[152] 发布: 2013/06/03 03:52:14
溶于乙醚、丙酮、石油醚、油脂、氯仿、冰乙酸、乙醇(呈红色溶液),不溶于水、碱溶液,和硫酸呈蓝绿色溶液,加水稀释有红色沉淀。 【用途】 细菌染色、油漆颜料。...
已读[247] 发布: 2013/06/03 02:43:14
已读[248] 发布: 2013/06/03 02:42:50
解说:经化验,田洋公司使用的油溶黄就是苏丹红一号,而这些染料是田洋公司从广东华颜化工有限公司购买的。 记者:油溶黄这个东西,平常都是什么人来买? 销售...
已读[251] 发布: 2013/06/03 02:42:45
后据调查发现,含有“苏丹红一号”的原材料是从化工城买来的叫做油溶黄和油溶红的染料,油溶黄中“苏丹红一号”的含量是98%。 【事故缘由】 “苏丹红一号”是一...
已读[234] 发布: 2013/06/03 02:42:38
已读[231] 发布: 2013/06/03 02:42:36
已读[139] 发布: 2013/06/02 05:06:17
Asbury Park Press He and Bellew also challenged the effectiveness of the pension reforms touted by the Republican incumbents, saying they won't make the system solvent . It's a charge that O'Scanlon disputes, along with other claims by his challengers that he ... The ...
已读[128] 发布: 2013/06/01 01:33:54
Red River Radio "The trust fund that finances Medicare's hospital insurance coverage will remain solvent until 2026, two years beyond what was projected in last year's report," the program's trustees reported Friday. In a statement, the administrator of the Centers ... and more »
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