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已读[140] 发布: 2013/05/28 19:45:33
Reuters President Bashar al-Assad's government and the rebels fighting to oust him have accused each other of using chemical weapons. U.N. investigators have been re...
已读[141] 发布: 2013/05/28 19:44:38
Carlisle Sentinel First responders told the family the explosion was most likely a result of mixed chemicals . The man was mixing chlorine in a bucket for a family pool...
已读[153] 发布: 2013/05/28 19:43:52
Nanowerk To support this argument, Tajani refers to the conclusion of the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) that nanomaterials as a category are not more or less hazardous than other chemicals . Here Hansen refers to ...
已读[216] 发布: 2013/05/28 19:10:14
India.Com Health It is a chemical compound which is present in crude oil and is one of the most basic petrochemicals, commonly used in pesticides and gasoline. ... Used to make metallic alloys, dyes and paints and wood preservatives and is known to cause lung cancer. and more »
已读[173] 发布: 2013/05/27 18:49:22
通过全资子公司整体受让其他全资子公司股权的方式,股权转让后两公司均存续经营,... 经营范围:生产销售化工产品(涉及危险化学品许可证管理的凭许可证生产经营)、农用...
已读[152] 发布: 2013/05/27 18:48:42
Moneycontrol.com Tata Chemicals Q4 net loss at Rs 188 cr. Fertiliser major Tata Chemicals posted a net loss of Rs 188.03 crore in its fourth quarter as the company i...
已读[179] 发布: 2013/05/26 19:15:48
廊坊扬帆化工建材有限公司专业生产:酚醛泡沫保温板、A级复合酚醛保温板、外墙专用... 4)表面复合其他材料,如界面剂、网布砂浆等(有a级防火要求的建筑墙体保温)...
已读[276] 发布: 2013/05/26 19:04:27
The San Luis Obispo Tribune The Obama administration is proposing a rule that would require companies that drill for oil and natural gas on federal lands to publicly dis...
已读[153] 发布: 2013/05/25 19:13:11
氯甲烷系列产品、氯化聚乙烯系列产品;承担与盐化工行业相关的科研、设计及新产品开发、设备制造项目的公司,属化工行业.公司的主要产品为联碱及其他化工产品和煤炭. ...
已读[166] 发布: 2013/05/25 19:12:49
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