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已读[200] 发布: 2013/06/08 12:41:47
氯甲烷系列产品、氯化聚乙烯系列产品;承担与盐化工行业相关的科研、设计及新产品开发、设备制造项目的公司,属化工行业.公司的主要产品为联碱及其他化工产品和煤炭. ...
已读[171] 发布: 2013/06/08 12:41:14
CNN (blog) "Lead, mercury, and other neurotoxic chemicals have a profound effect on the developing brain at levels that were once thought to be safe," she said. Autism spectrum disorders are being diagnosed at unprecedented rates, partly because of improved ...
已读[242] 发布: 2013/06/08 01:01:34
ICIS (subscription) Shale gas is sure to push and keep ethylene prices down for many years to come; still bioethylene and bio-based monoethylene glycol (MEG) share the largest capacities in bio-based commodity chemicals. There have to be even more pressing drivers in the ...
已读[207] 发布: 2013/06/07 11:32:57
已读[207] 发布: 2013/06/07 11:32:44
已读[205] 发布: 2013/06/07 11:32:38
已读[188] 发布: 2013/06/07 11:32:36
大宗化工产品继续疲弱,上周中原证券监测的167 个化工产品中,76 个品种下跌,30 个品种上涨。下跌/上涨的比例环比上升,显示出行业景气度进一步下降。 2、其他化工...
已读[189] 发布: 2013/06/07 11:32:33
“6月原油结算价大幅下降,虽然国内成品油价格下滑,但其他化工产品价格仍维持高位 ”程瑞锋表示,综合来看,目前国内炼厂平均炼油利润在每吨200元附近 本轮油价下调之后...
已读[206] 发布: 2013/06/07 11:32:30
已读[165] 发布: 2013/06/07 11:32:27
The Seattle Times A summit on chemicals and hazardous wastes ended Friday with an agreement to globally phase out a widely used flame retardant and to accept stricter requirements for disclosing information about exports of four other chemicals . By JOHN HEILPRIN ... and more »
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