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已读[345] 发布: 2013/09/10 02:35:24
1)在安装装载机离合器时,应在分离轴承内腔填满钙基润滑脂,本机分离轴承外部设有黄油嘴,应定期限量地注入凡士林(黄油)。 2)在装装载机离合器时,应先用定位心轴...
已读[372] 发布: 2013/09/10 02:34:56
已读[339] 发布: 2013/09/10 02:34:38
(2)流动轴承应充填钙基润滑脂,加注时应为流动轴承内腔的三分之一为宜。 四、试动转 用户使用前必须检查机器各部件,首先将搅拌浆、混合箱及其各处涂油清洗...
已读[345] 发布: 2013/09/10 02:34:33
六、设备润滑 1、锤式破碎机主轴两端轴承用二硫化钼(3号锂基脂)润滑,一般3~6个月重新更换一次。 2、板喂机各部轴承均用ZG-4钙基润滑脂(GB491-65)润滑。...
已读[329] 发布: 2013/09/10 02:34:10
2. 经常注意对轴承箱加注优质钙基润滑脂,以保下轴承良好的润滑状态。 3. 长期停机不使用时,除将泵内腐蚀性液体放净外,更应注意各部件及泵内流道的清洗干净,...
已读[349] 发布: 2013/09/10 02:34:05
已读[287] 发布: 2013/09/10 02:34:00
City Limits (blog) ... every mayor's wish list is going to run through Albany eventually, and you will win some (mayoral control) and lose some, like congestion pricing (although it's also true that the next occupant of City Hall is unlikely to be able to personally ... and more »
已读[325] 发布: 2013/09/10 02:33:55
The Register Star 24 to 231 Joslen Boulevard in Greenport to a fire alarm activation caused by a grease fire in the oven. They were back in service at 9:54 a.m.; Taghkanic Fire ... A patient was transported to Albany Medical Center. The New York State Police investigated.
已读[314] 发布: 2013/09/10 02:33:49
WALB-TV Community leaders hope a new community garden will bring neighbors together and boost the city's chances of getting a huge federal grant to overhaul this in town Albany neighborhood. Hines Memorial Methodist Church teamed up with the Albany Housing  ... and more »
已读[298] 发布: 2013/09/10 02:33:44
WALB-TV Albany firefighters are on the scene of an apartment fire in the 600 block of Willard Avenue. The location is on the south side of town, off Madison Street. WALB will have more information soon. CopyrightMore >>. AFD says that Kyla Jones, 20, was ... and more »
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