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已读[266] 发布: 2013/09/10 01:03:15
GameDev.net The other major omission from the standard version is that most of the special effects and dynamic systems have been removed including particles , cloth, hair, fluids, muscles and dynamics fields and constraints. These effects usually deal with complex ... and more »
已读[235] 发布: 2013/09/10 01:03:10
24dash (press release) It is important to note that when Domus Thermal is installed between the MVHR unit and terminals, the LABC advises that joints between the fittings and straight lengths should be taped to prevent cold bridging . Neil Tilsley, Managing Director of ... and more »
已读[237] 发布: 2013/09/10 01:03:05
EE Journal They've identified six categories that can be handled automatically: voids, residue, scratches, line thinning, particles , and bridging . The user can set the confidence level that the algorithms use – higher confidence means fewer automatically ...
已读[234] 发布: 2013/09/10 01:03:00
Gizmag The control building of the ATLAS detector, one of two general purpose particle detectors built with the LHC, has found itself adorned with a magnificently bright mural. The story of how the mural came about provides a fascinating glimpse at the ...
已读[243] 发布: 2013/09/10 01:02:55
Guardian Express The behavior of quantum mechanics seems contrary to life as we know it with things like entanglement, bi-location (where a particle exists in two different locations), teleportation (where a particle instantaneously moves from one point in space to ...
已读[236] 发布: 2013/09/10 01:02:50
New York Times It's worth bridging the psychological distance for the distinctive, adventurous artists that the artistic director Brian Rogers has assembled, including Megan V. Sprenger (Sept. 18-21), Karinne Keithley Syers (Oct. 2-5), Will Rawls (Nov. 13-16), Jon ... and more »
已读[207] 发布: 2013/09/10 01:02:46
The Daily Galaxy (blog) A fundamental problem of all approaches to quantum gravity consists in bridging the huge dimensional scales from the space atoms to the dimensions of the universe. This is where Oriti, his colleague Lorenzo Sindoni and Steffen Gielen, ... to today ...
已读[387] 发布: 2013/08/26 08:26:09
油田污水用化学剂:絮凝剂、缓蚀剂、防垢剂、杀菌剂、浮选剂、除氧剂、清洁压裂液; 油田化学新领域:纳米增注、微生物--驱油、清防蜡。水处理用剂、生物酶...
已读[264] 发布: 2013/07/31 14:11:34
已读[253] 发布: 2013/07/31 14:11:00
堵漏剂 特种堵漏剂 2. 2 工期: 施工方要根据需方生产需要随时施工。 2. 3 建设地点: 神华蒙西甲醇厂。 3. 投标人资格要求 A 、投标人应是在中华...
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