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已读[277] 发布: 2013/09/09 09:45:10
已读[274] 发布: 2013/09/09 09:44:21
项目名称:采购纺丝计量泵、纺丝油剂泵 日期:*年*月*日 招标编号:* *受...如果您希望解决登录及其他问题,请您与必联客户中心联系:客服热线:400-0606-000...
已读[284] 发布: 2013/09/09 09:44:12
Bloomberg OTHER OIL MARKET NEWS. Tankers Worst Since 1997 as Africa Oil to China Slows: Freight. China's smallest oil imports from West Africa in at least two years are curbing demand for tankers on the second-longest trade route, prolonging the worst rates in  ...
已读[269] 发布: 2013/09/09 09:44:07
NASDAQ Energy stocks are higher. Crude oil for October delivery is up 77 cents at $109.78 per barrel. September natural gas is off 3 cents at $3.51 per 1 million BTU. In company news, Marathon Oil Corp ( MRO ) is up 3.7% at $34,62 a share, pacing sector gains ... and more »
已读[266] 发布: 2013/09/09 09:43:59
Seeking Alpha As the old saying goes-water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink. The same could be about the information in futures prices-notably oil futures; the information is everywhere, easy to access, but not so easy to interpret. However, it is ... and more »
已读[276] 发布: 2013/09/09 09:43:36
Yahoo! India News If you want to grow your hair within a few weeks, then no other oil can be as good as castor oil . When you use this oil regularly on your scalp, it boosts blood circulation to the follicles, leading to hair growth. It even supplies omega-6 essential ...
已读[286] 发布: 2013/09/09 09:43:19
Malta Independent Online The government and Opposition have issued statements with regard to the Mepa board decision to extending the BWSC trial period till next March. The government said the opposition's criticism is a result of its hypocrisy as it had given the island a ...
已读[262] 发布: 2013/09/09 09:43:03
Daily News & Analysis India and Africa are coming closer to each other faster than most realize. In the last few years India has diversified its energy procurement to African countries. In 2005, India did not import any oil from African countries. Just eight years later ...
已读[258] 发布: 2013/09/09 09:42:46
Motley Fool This past quarter, we saw several oil services companies suffer because so many players in the pressure pumping space sent contract prices through the floor. Despite the emerging importance of the treatment of fracking water, the actual business of ... and more »
已读[254] 发布: 2013/09/09 09:42:27
Winnipeg Free Press Seismic air guns are used to ascertain how much oil and gas lie under certain portions of the ocean floor. They're towed behind ships that trace grids on the surface of the water, and they shoot blasts of compact air to the bottom of the ocean to track ... and more »
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