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已读[39] 发布: 2013/06/05 05:24:37
CoinDesk By coloring the coins, they can be provided with special properties by either an issueing agent or a Schelling point, which will give them value independent of the face value of the underlying bitcoins. What does this mean? Well, it means that ... and more »
已读[36] 发布: 2013/06/05 05:24:34
PC Magazine Among the enjoyable aspects of E.T. he cites are an early use of Easter Eggs, controlled randomness that makes playing the game different every time, and the overall fun of the treasure hunt-based game, which requires players controlling the titular ... and more »
已读[205] 发布: 2013/06/05 05:00:54
Defense Update Fitted with B.A.T unique Jet Pulse Water Cannon the vehicle can effectively close-in and disperse riots by 'firing' short pulses, long pulses and continuous, powerful streams of water, injected with tear gas (CS) or pepper spray (OC) agents, with or ...
已读[37] 发布: 2013/06/04 04:02:50
已读[33] 发布: 2013/06/04 04:02:27
已读[102] 发布: 2013/06/04 04:02:24
、漳州市紫业肉制品有限公司的“猪肉松(辣味)2.5千克/包”、龙岩市新罗区禄荣堂食品厂的 “泡爽鸭爪25克/包”等8批次肉制品,检出超范围或超限量使用着色剂(...
已读[36] 发布: 2013/06/04 04:02:21
已读[73] 发布: 2013/06/04 04:02:19
一根雪糕含14种食品添加剂 儿童过量食用隐患多---夏季来临,作为消暑佳品的雪糕尤其受儿童青睐。在一根“炼乳红豆加绿豆口味”的雪糕中,配料表中标注了5种增稠剂、...
已读[36] 发布: 2013/06/04 04:02:17
食品中八种环境雌激素和六种禁用合成着色剂检测方法的研究 总局科技兴检三等奖 妇女儿童用品安卫环项目确立及动态跟踪体系研究 总局科技兴检三等奖 出口肉类...
已读[39] 发布: 2013/06/04 04:02:15
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