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已读[851] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:51:14
已读[868] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:50:47
已读[792] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:50:34
岩性为灰色砂岩、板岩、千枚岩,底部夹一层或多层碳酸盐岩,呈透镜体产 出。结晶灰岩中产腹足类、海百合茎等化石,厚 92.6~282.2m。 (2)下统青天峡组下段...
已读[847] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:50:11
已读[780] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:49:34
其实,这种淘米水样小便是由于儿童新陈代谢旺盛,尤其是进食含有草酸盐和碳酸盐类较多的食 物,如菠菜、苋菜等绿叶蔬菜或香蕉、桔子或柿子等水果时,尿液中草酸盐和碳酸...
已读[832] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:49:29
已读[838] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:49:09
水的硬度: 水的硬度是指水中含钙镁离子的总量,因此硬度是指总硬度而言。总硬度是由暂时硬度及永久硬度组成。暂时硬度:在水中含有一定量的碳酸盐类,如`Ca(HCO_3...
已读[625] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:49:03
HispanicBusiness.com ... the research concluded: "Bioceramics to date have mainly been limited to orthophosphate, silicate and carbonate salts of calcium, here we report the successful application of a pyrophosphate material as a degradable osteoconductive bone repair cement." and more »
已读[583] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:48:56
PreSalt.com News The OHSB allowed the extensive development of a marine carbonate platform in a distal location starved of clastic input during the early Aptian thermal sag phase that followed the syn-rift, lacustrine shales and coquinas and preceded the late Aptian  ...
已读[623] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:48:49
separationsNOW.com On top of this is a layer of saltcake, consisting of sodium salts of ions such as nitrate, sulfate, carbonate and fluoride. These salts are presumed to have precipitated from the topmost liquid layer, which contains high concentrations of these ions ...
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