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已读[633] 发布: 2013/06/12 17:51:53
Latinos Post However, it has been difficult to reproduce the formation of RNA phosphates in early Earth conditions without a reactive form of phosphorous. "Meteorite phosphorus may have been a ... Meteorites, it seems, brought over reactive phosphorous in the form ...
已读[657] 发布: 2013/06/06 12:49:07
RedOrbit The scientists say the meteorites delivered phosphorus in minerals that are no longer seen on the surface of the Earth, and that these minerals subsequently cor...
已读[733] 发布: 2013/06/05 05:18:58
UW Today But scientists didn't know how those early RNA–based proto-organisms incorporated environmental phosphorus, which in its current form, phosphate , is relatively insoluble and unreactive. Meteorites would have provided reactive phosphorus in the form of ... and more »



