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已读[120] 发布: 2013/06/04 03:55:18
已读[120] 发布: 2013/06/04 03:55:17
已读[150] 发布: 2013/06/04 03:55:14
已读[153] 发布: 2013/06/04 03:55:12
主要生产资料中,橡胶、矿产品、钢材、农资、化工产品、能源、建材价格下降,轻工原料价格持平,有色金属价格上涨。 橡胶价格比前一周下降2.9%,合成橡胶原料价格下降,...
已读[111] 发布: 2013/06/04 03:55:10
汇金网6月4日讯――阿根廷国家统计局近日发布报告称,2013年4月,阿根廷聚合物和合成橡胶产量相比去年同期下降14.7%,但较之今年3月上涨4.1%。 报告提到,今年1-4...
已读[152] 发布: 2013/06/04 03:55:07
已读[117] 发布: 2013/06/04 03:55:05
已读[109] 发布: 2013/06/04 03:55:02
Business Line The drop in crude oil prices is set to reflect in rubber prices since its alternative synthetic rubber , derived from crude oil products, will head south. November rubber contracts on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange dropped to 251.1 yen or Rs. Rubber ...
已读[116] 发布: 2013/06/04 03:54:55
The Ecologist Acre was once a major centre of rubber production, where skilled locals tapped the trees for rubber . But synthetic and plantation rubbers gradually c...
已读[111] 发布: 2013/06/04 03:54:45
The Borneo Post It also believes that the average 10 per cent demand per annum for rubber gloves over the next few years is still intact, with overall demand expected to be led by natural rubber gloves although synthetic rubber gloves had consistently been taking up ...
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