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已读[311] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:32:24
已读[328] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:32:07
红酒中含有丰富的维生素、矿物质,丰富的酚类化合物,丰富的单宁酸,使得红酒具有抗氧化、延缓衰老、预防血管硬化、预防心脏病与高血压,所以具有抗老防病的奇效。 送...
已读[300] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:31:45
制洞后消毒用药,如酚类可致牙髓受到刺激。 (2)充填料刺激 深洞直接用磷酸锌水门汀垫底,复合树脂直接充填等都可能刺激牙缝。 3.物理刺激 (1)温度刺激 制洞时...
已读[332] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:31:19
已读[315] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:31:11
3、禁忌大量摄入含酚类食物 酚类是一种食品添加剂,会在很多食物里面大量的存在,但是这种物质对黑色素细胞是有一定的副作用的,如果是长期大量的食用这样的物质的...
已读[260] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:30:58
AzerNews The amount of nutrients, the composition of specific contaminants of phenol and copper compounds have exceeded the norm repeatedly over the years, and the situation has not changed so far. Experts regard phenol as one of the most dangerous types of  ...
已读[258] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:30:53
Guardian Express These fruits contain significant amounts of anthocyanadins, antioxidant compounds that give blue, purple and red colors to fruits and vegetables. Included in ... Blueberries also contain the unique, phenol -like antioxidants pterostilbene and resveratrol.
已读[257] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:30:48
The Age The third main quality is all to do with peat's natural phenol compounds , which have long been known to have antiseptic qualities. ' Phenol ' forms the 'P' in TCP (trichlorophenylmethyliodosalicyl), a popular form of antiseptic – especially in the UK. It ... and more »
已读[282] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:30:34
Phys.Org Because of their chemical similarities, Messersmith and his colleagues wondered if the phenol compounds found in plant-derived red wine, green tea and dark chocolate might have similar sticking power. This curiosity led to the kitchen sink experiments ... and more »
已读[268] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:30:06
Calaveras Enterprise The two main culprits in the findings were phenol -derived compounds guaiacol and 4-methylguaiacol that result in pungent and smoky tasting wine. Though vintners in Calaveras are keeping their fingers crossed, hoping that smoke from the Rim Fire isn't  ... and more »
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