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已读[1109] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:16:21
尘肺病菌及其他有毒有害物质进行的卫生标准的检验、测定和测试。监测收费的对... 注:凡未列入本收费标准中的特殊项目(如使用高级精密仪器、特殊试剂等)可参照...
已读[942] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:16:02
domain-B OCD is the global leader in the marketing and development of instrumentation and reagent systems that enable blood typing, aimed at ensuring patient-donor compatibility in blood transfusions. The other segment is Clinical Laboratories, which includes  ... and more »
已读[889] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:15:57
Bend Bulletin Silman, of the Weizmann Institute, said Israeli citizens are given kits with autoinjectors that contain atropine and two other ingredients: anticonvulsant medicine and a reagent that can reactivate the key enzyme. These can be administered in advance ...
已读[1332] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:15:49
Philly.com Silman, of the Weizmann Institute, said Israeli citizens are given kits with autoinjectors that contain atropine and two other ingredients: anticonvulsant medicine and a reagent that can reactivate the key enzyme. These can be administered in advance ... and more »
已读[909] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:15:38
Wall Street Journal It's the kind of modern, painless service that consumers rarely receive in U.S. health care, though Ms. Holmes makes the point the other way around: "We're here in Silicon Valley inside the consumer technology world . . . and what we think we're ...
已读[1377] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:15:34
Xconomy Enzymatics sells its reagents to companies like Illumina and Life Technologies, research institutions such as Harvard University, and other entities that incorporate those reagents into their own assays. That growth has freed up Enzymatics to buy ... and more »
已读[908] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:15:29
BioResearch Online (press release) PerFix-Expose (phospho-epitope exposure kit), which helps scientists identify and explore complex intracellular signaling pathways disrupted by cancer and other diseases, allows fluorochrome-coupled antibodies and other probes to enter into cells ... and more »
已读[973] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:15:21
Labmate Online It allows fluorochrome-coupled antibodies and other probes to enter into cells, their nuclei and other cell compartments, where they bind to proteins relevant to signalling pathways that have been disrupted by disease. Cell fixation is accomplished ...
已读[910] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:15:16
ThomasNet News (press release) PerFix-Expose (phospho-epitope exposure kit), whichhelps scientists identify and explore complex intracellular signaling pathways disrupted by cancer and other diseases, allows fluorochrome-coupled antibodies and other probes to enter into cells, their  ... and more »
已读[980] 发布: 2013/09/09 08:15:08
MedPage Today The company said it was inviting other pharmaceutical companies, nonprofits, and governments to help support larger trials. TB Skin Test Reagent Shortage Recurs. The CDC said that Sanofi Pasteur's Tubersol product for conducting tuberculin skin tests ...
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