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已读[258] 发布: 2013/09/06 03:33:09
其中添加的化工色素油溶黄里面含有“苏丹红”成分。 法院经审理认为,谭伟棠、冯永华的行为均已构成生产、销售伪劣产品罪。在共同犯罪中,谭伟棠是主犯,冯永华是从犯...
已读[237] 发布: 2013/09/06 03:33:00
谭伟棠在没有对其成分进行安全检测和取得使用许可的情况下,就将油溶黄、油溶红作为配料加入到食品添加剂中,生产出田洋牌“辣椒红一号”复合食品添加剂。 同时还...
已读[239] 发布: 2013/09/06 03:31:41
Reuters Indore soybean prices (excluding 4 % VAT), in rupees/tone: Soybean Soybean yellow Tuesday Previous Market delivery 33,000-34,400 33,000-34,400 (Auction price) Market delivery 33,200-34,500 33,200-34,500 (Traders' price) Soybean yellow arrivals in ... 4 ...
已读[243] 发布: 2013/09/06 03:31:36
Earth Island Journal “Our impact is less on energy supply and more on environmental sustainability,” Todd says, noting that the company will use a citrus-based solvent that eliminates the need for wastewater tailing ponds and will recycle 95 percent of the water used in ...
已读[240] 发布: 2013/09/06 03:31:30
Science Codex In electrojetting, a solution containing the polymer, drug and a solvent are rapidly ejected through a tiny nozzle with the system under a voltage as high as 20 kilovolts but with only microamperage. The solvent in the liquid quickly evaporates leaving ...
已读[231] 发布: 2013/09/06 03:31:25
Reuters Indore soybean prices (excluding 4 % VAT), in rupees/tone: Soybean Soybean yellow Wednesday Previous Market delivery 33,700-34,700 33,000-34,400 (Auction price) Market delivery 33,900-34,800 33,200-34,500 (Traders' price) Soybean yellow ... 4 % VAT ...
已读[238] 发布: 2013/09/06 03:31:20
RedOrbit ... Vehicle Produced By Microencapsulation. September 3, 2013. Image Caption: This is a scanning electron micrograph of BCNU-loaded microspheres (black and white background) with 3D rendered images of brain cancers cells ( yellow ) and released BCNU ...
已读[244] 发布: 2013/09/06 03:31:15
Litchfield County Times Although the squashes offered at the farm stand are at the top of their game with shiny yellow skins and absolutely tender and flavorful inners, customers are suspicious. “They don't like the warts, they think the squash is old,” Mrs. Weed has ... But ...
已读[238] 发布: 2013/09/06 03:31:10
Reuters Soy solvent oil prices were up at closed on poor selling against better buying support. * Soy meal prices were steady at closed on limited buying inquiries. Indore soybean prices (excluding 4% VAT), in rupees/ton: Soybean yellow Soybean yellow Soybean  ...
已读[257] 发布: 2013/09/06 03:31:06
Reuters Soyabean Ext(Bulk) Yellow (Ex-Kandla)48/2.5 502 2. Rapeseed Ext. (Bulk) (Ex-Kandla)38/2.5 224 3. Groundnut Ext.(Bulk) (Ex-Bedi) 45/2.5 NQ 4. Castormeal Ext. (Bulk)(Ex-Kandla) 96 5. Rice Bran Ext. (Bulk)(Ex-Kakinada) 16/3.5 NQ (C) EXPORT (FOR) Ports  ...
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