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已读[619] 发布: 2013/08/20 11:12:18
GC-MS/MS 同时测定白酒中19 种邻苯二甲酸酯类增塑剂含量 GC-MS/MS 法测定饮料中20 种邻苯二甲酸酯含量 2.6 乳制品 柱前衍生GC-MS/MS 法测定奶粉中三聚...
已读[621] 发布: 2013/08/20 11:11:52
已读[1142] 发布: 2013/08/20 11:11:48
已读[480] 发布: 2013/08/20 06:13:53
Materials Handling World Magazine The stainless steel silos each stand 9m tall with a capacity for 100,000 litres of liquid plasticiser . The 12 metre high aluminium silos are used for dry powders: these contain non-flammable materials in the form of PVC resin and calcium carbonate. The ...
已读[511] 发布: 2013/08/20 06:13:42
ClickPress (press release) [ClickPress, Tue Aug 06 2013] In 2011, some leading brands found that the clouding agents of sports drinks were contaminated with plasticiser...
已读[916] 发布: 2013/08/20 06:13:18
Seeking Alpha EBIT decline comes also mainly from the business units leather and some tire related units Rubber Chemicals and a little bit on Functional Chemicals where in the Colorant and Plasticiser business mainly from over higher idle cost. With that, I would ...
已读[486] 发布: 2013/08/20 06:13:07
NutraIngredients.com “Although certain existing authorised additives may perform some or all of these functions, the PVA-PEG graft co-polymer has the advantage of not reacting with any key components of the tablet, as the plasticiser is covalently bound in the co-polymer ...
已读[430] 发布: 2013/08/20 06:12:57
Sacramento Bee In the wake of the plasticiser incident in 2011, which affected the PET bottles sector, overproof fluorescer was discovered in the outer layers of the paper-based containers of some instant noodles in 2012. Great concern has been aroused among ... 更多 »
已读[443] 发布: 2013/08/20 06:12:20
增塑剂 实现绿色制造 中化新网 中化新网讯7月29日,记者从山东万图高分子材料有限公司获悉,该公司历时3年研发的WT系列无毒高稳定性 增塑剂 绿色制造技术及应用项目,在山东文登市通过了省科学技术厅组织的技术成果鉴定。与会专家  ...
已读[476] 发布: 2013/08/20 06:11:54
增塑剂 超标 光电新闻网 我国的玩具行业也存在着重金属超标、 增塑剂 超标等严重问题。长期来看,这些有毒物质可能对肝脏、肾脏以及激素平衡产生不良影响,甚至致癌。X荧光光谱仪具有元素快速分析的功能,它可萃取玩具中重金属  ... 更多 »
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