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已读[493] 发布: 2013/08/20 06:01:38
The Province ... decrease from the fire behaviour currently, and there is no immediate risk to homes anymore,” said Swan, noting the winds have died down. About 35 fir...
已读[505] 发布: 2013/08/20 06:01:31
San Francisco Chronicle (blog) The footage shows a Fire Department rig running over the Chinese schoolgirl as she was covered with fire - retardant foam. It also makes...
已读[514] 发布: 2013/08/20 06:01:26
WWLP 22News "These fires don't have a lot of fire retardant product built into them and it would be really great if we could have some kind of classes to let us know what we can do to help prevent these older buildings from burning," said Grayze-Lynda Sypteras of ... 更多 »
已读[546] 发布: 2013/08/20 06:01:17
中国日报 The rig lacked heat-sensing equipment, installed on other firefighting vehicles at the airport, that could have detected a body obscured by the fire retardant . Johnson did not immediately realize ...
已读[498] 发布: 2013/08/20 06:01:00
Specification Online Tried – As well as being utilised in many projects throughout the world, Dricon, for internal applications, and Non-Com Exterior, for external situations, have also been specified in housing developments, such as the Millennium Village in Telford ...
已读[471] 发布: 2013/08/20 06:00:51
ThomasNet News (press release) ROCHESTER, IL – Elastocon TPE Technologies, Inc., a leading US producer of 6 distinct lines of RoHS compliant thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs), has developed a new line of high performance FR ( flame retardant ) TPEs where resistance to ignition,  ...
已读[522] 发布: 2013/08/20 06:00:33
PR Newswire UK (press release) China has been a large producer and supplier of flame retardant in the world, with the output in 2011-2012 approximating 800,000-900,000 tons. Driven by the development of downstream industries such as electronics and automotive manufacturing as well  ...
已读[509] 发布: 2013/08/20 06:00:21
阻燃 粘胶纤维市场化开发及应用 慧聪网 其次,丝条中含有 阻燃剂 成分之后,丝条的表面结构和整体结构均发生了较大的变化,要达到纺织所需要的上油效果,不仅需要选取具有更强柔软性、包合性和光滑性的油剂,而且需要采取更强化的上油工艺  ... 更多 »
已读[531] 发布: 2013/08/20 06:00:07
阻燃 密度板简析 九正建材网 在喷胶段,如同施胶一样,将 阻燃剂 添加到生产线中制成密度在500~880kg/m3范围的板材。 二、阻燃密度板的用途. 阻燃密度板具有良好的物理力学性能和加工性能,可以制成不同厚度的板材,因此广泛用于  ...
已读[527] 发布: 2013/08/20 05:59:55
阻燃剂 泡沫挡住司机视线 搜狐 据新华社电一名中国女生本月初在韩亚航空公司214航班降落事故中遭一辆美国消防车碾轧致死。美国媒体26日报道,事发当时,仅一名消防员驾驶备用消防车,这类消防车没有配备常规消防车上的红外探测  ... 美媒披露韩亚航空空难中国学生被碾死详情 网易 碾轧中国女生消防车常规设备不全 新京报 此专题所有 19 篇报道 »
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