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已读[42] 发布: 2014/05/19 08:56:12
已读[34] 发布: 2014/05/19 08:56:08
已读[40] 发布: 2014/05/19 08:56:05
同时,大麦中还含有几种稀有氨基酸,它们能促进机体新陈代谢正常化。 大麦的营养和功效 据《本草纲目》记载:“大麦味甘、性平、有去食疗胀、消积进食、平胃...
已读[41] 发布: 2014/05/19 08:56:02
已读[31] 发布: 2014/05/19 08:55:58
MarketWatch It would be desirable to provide a nutritional supplement for elevating hGH release, in particular an amino acid -containing composition that is well tolerated having the result of increasing or elevating hGH release in those individuals whose hGH ... and more »
已读[32] 发布: 2014/05/19 08:55:54
Slate Magazine Previously, whey protein was the only protein powder source to supply a complete amino acid profile: all nine of the essential amino acids required for human nutrition. But guess what else is a great source of these amino acids ? That's right, insects ... and more »
已读[32] 发布: 2014/05/19 08:55:50
BioNews Texas LiranCarmel A team of researchers led by computational biologist Liran Carmel and stem cell biologist Eran Meshorer, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem'...
已读[29] 发布: 2014/05/19 08:55:47
LiveScience.com Like all proteins, whey protein is made of building blocks called amino acids . Protein in the body is primarily used for muscle growth and to repair ti...
已读[32] 发布: 2014/05/19 08:55:43
Khaleej Times Researchers have found that using a protein blend of soy, casein and whey after rigorous workout ensures the delivery of select amino acids - the buildin...
已读[30] 发布: 2014/05/19 08:55:40
7thSpace Interactive (press release) The objective of this experiment was to determine the standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids (AA) in 3 sources of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) with different concentrations of fat. Twelve growing barrows (initial body ...
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