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已读[39] 发布: 2014/10/16 01:33:37
VOXXI If you are taking in protein, you're getting amino acids , so why does it seem like athletes are adding amino acid supplements to their workout meals too? First and foremost, nutrition experts tend to agree amino acids obtained from dietary protein are ... and more »
已读[37] 发布: 2014/10/16 01:33:29
Food Consumer The review concludes "Given the results of our pilot study, and on the basis of a review of the literature, the administration of a simple amino acid supplement may improve the healing of diabetic foot wounds via increased collagen production." (David ...
已读[39] 发布: 2014/10/16 01:33:23
Sleep Review Targeted Medical Pharma, Inc, a drug discovery and development company, yesterday announced the results of a clinical trial studying the amino acid based medical foods, Sentra AM and Sentra PM, in veterans suffering from symptoms associated with ...
已读[34] 发布: 2014/10/16 01:33:19
spectroscopyNOW.com Amino acids , the building blocks of life, are chiral compounds, consisting exclusively of the L-enantiomers. They are the most abundant form of amino acids that are found in nature, but the D- amino acids can also be detected, especially as the products ...
已读[78] 发布: 2014/09/25 03:03:40
玉米晚收还可以增加蛋白质、氨基酸数量,提高玉米品质。 图为9月23日,该县慈周寨镇慈四村宝轩家庭农场玉米田里,村民王胜霞正在收获充分成熟的玉米棒。 毕兴世...
已读[77] 发布: 2014/09/25 03:03:35
已读[76] 发布: 2014/09/25 03:03:31
海阳绿茶果蔬会唱主角 氨基酸含量国内最高---大众网烟台9月24日讯“黄金海岸出好茶”,这是业内专家对近来崭露头角的“海阳茶”的一致评价。” 海阳茶叶生长在...
已读[76] 发布: 2014/09/25 03:03:26
已读[74] 发布: 2014/09/25 03:03:22
已读[67] 发布: 2014/09/25 03:03:17
8、枣:营养十分丰富,含有对人体有益的14种氨基酸,维生素含量高出苹果、香蕉几十倍,有“活维生素丸”的美称。 9、杏:含有适量的维生素C及丰富的维生素A原,还含...
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