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已读[64] 发布: 2014/10/27 08:27:37
spectroscopyNOW.com Amino acids , the building blocks of life, are chiral compounds, consisting exclusively of the L-enantiomers. They are the most abundant form of amino acids that are found in nature, but the D- amino acids can also be detected, especially as the products ...
已读[67] 发布: 2014/10/27 08:27:33
AZoNano.com Using some of the shortest laser pulses in the world, the researchers used strobe lighting to track the ultra-fast movement of the electrons within a nanometer-sized molecule of amino acid . The resulting oscillations – lasting for 4,300 attoseconds ...
已读[65] 发布: 2014/10/27 08:27:28
Phys.Org Prof Eksteen also recommends it for future in-situ heap leach extraction projects, a process that is expected to make mining low-grade deposits in remote locati...
已读[69] 发布: 2014/10/27 08:27:24
Shape Magazine Q: What are the muscle-building benefits of amino acids , especially the buzzed-about BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids )? A: Amino acids are the building blocks that make up protein. Your body puts them together like Legos to create muscle. While your ...
已读[86] 发布: 2014/10/22 09:31:31
已读[81] 发布: 2014/10/22 09:31:19
已读[83] 发布: 2014/10/22 09:31:12
已读[88] 发布: 2014/10/22 09:31:08
原标题:氨基酸保健品补能量提高免疫力等统统是瞎说 氨基酸是构成人体蛋白质的基本物质,其中有8种必须从外界获得,被称为“必需氨基酸”。不少商家利用这点制造所谓的...
已读[78] 发布: 2014/10/22 09:31:04
作为目前国内最大的氨基酸生产企业,内蒙古伊品生物科技有限公司坚持高标准、高水平建设项目,致力于打造一个现代化、高科技的氨基酸产业基地。 内蒙古伊品生物科技有限...
已读[81] 发布: 2014/10/22 09:31:00
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