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已读[95] 发布: 2014/11/26 02:01:42
更年期女性抑郁 多吃氨基酸食物来源: 扬子晚报网 发布于:2014-11-24 05:21:18王女士(化名),今年46岁,将近有一年时间了,王女士晚上总是睡不着,都是靠安眠药...
已读[88] 发布: 2014/11/26 02:01:25
基础化工行业:继续看好新材料和土改政策下的大农资板块,关注味精和氨基酸行业整合研报华泰证券2014-11-24 13:32 我要分享 腾讯微博 QQ空间 QQ好友 新浪微博...
已读[93] 发布: 2014/11/26 02:01:08
半胱氨酸和酪氨酸为条件必需氨基酸,可以由蛋氨酸和苯丙氨酸这两种必须氨基酸合成,从营养学的角度讲对人体也有很大的价值。 无论素食或者非素食,蛋白质不足会引起基础...
已读[74] 发布: 2014/11/26 02:00:51
7thSpace Interactive (press release) Proteins and amino acids are widely considered to be subcomponents in nutritional support. However, proteins and amino acids are fundamental to recovery and survival, not only for their ability to preserve active tissue (protein) mass but also for a ...
已读[80] 发布: 2014/11/26 02:00:34
Newswire Today (press release) NewswireToday - /newswire/ - Herentals, Belgium, 2014/11/10 - Company's third Total Nutrition™ book focuses on maintaining dairy profits and reducing the environmental impact through amino acid nutrition - Kemin.com. and more »
已读[82] 发布: 2014/11/26 02:00:17
Chicago Tribune Tryptophan is an essential amino acid , a nutrient that combines to form proteins. In the body tryptophan is used to create niacin and serotonin, accord...
已读[80] 发布: 2014/11/26 02:00:01
7thSpace Interactive (press release) Methods: Population diversity of P. falciparum GLURP and amino acid sequence repeats in GLURP R2 region was studied in malaria-endemic Assam state, northeast India and compared at an interval of five years during 2005 (Group-A) and 2011 (Group-B).
已读[75] 发布: 2014/11/26 01:59:46
Business Wire (press release) As many small manufacturers have stopped self-production, China's monosodium glutamate (MSG) is about to complete its industry integration....
已读[78] 发布: 2014/11/26 01:59:34
All about feed These papers aim to give a current understanding of amino acid nutrition. Furthermore, the book provides insights on how you can implement novel nutritional techniques to face dairy production under challenging conditions. The book will be launched on ...
已读[88] 发布: 2014/11/26 01:59:13
Healio “The study demonstrates that increasing circulating branched-chain amino acids are a marker for future pancreatic cancer diagnosis,” Brian M. Wolpin, MD, MPH, assistant professor of medical oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, told HemOnc Today.
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